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Heavy mesons photoproduction: simulations (report author: Erik Wrightson, 2021)

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Submitted by:
Marie Boer
Updated by:
Marie Boer
Document Created:
06 Mar 2024, 14:47
Contents Revised:
06 Mar 2024, 14:47
Metadata Revised:
06 Mar 2024, 14:47
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This experiment focused on hadronic physics with particular interest into heavy mesons. Understanding how
composite particles, such as mesons, function is integral to the expansion of particle physics. This study
consists of the creation of a meson production event generator that was added onto a more general event
generator initially created by Dr. Marie Boër to generate a dataset for further analysis. This simulated the
usage of a photon beam on a polarized target to produce the J/psi heavy meson. The data produced then was
analyzed using C++ and ROOT code to understand the kinematics postproduction of the J/psi particles.
This then gives insight into how heavy meson production modelled after the Timelike Compton Scattering
(TCS) reaction could be used to find the Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs) of the nucleon. This
opens up room for analysis of how long an experiment should run to produce viable results at a facility
such as Jefferson Laboratory located in Newport News, Virginia. This will serve as the setup to future
feasibility studies for future practical experiments into heavy meson kinematics and the internal structure
of nucleons. The experiment will provide a framework to generate collision events that can be used to allow
for the setting of realistic experimental expectations needed to extract GPDs and better understand the
quark gluon composition of the nucleon. This will allow for the proper allocation of research in practical
experimentation. This project was undertaken with the guidance of advisor, Dr. Marie Boër.
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