Hall C Document 1252-v1

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Longitudinal Momentum versus transverse position of the proton constituents with an electron pair final state (authors: Cesar Ibarra Jr, Nathan Stroh, Nicholas Roush, 2022)

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Submitted by:
Marie Boer
Updated by:
Marie Boer
Document Created:
06 Mar 2024, 15:06
Contents Revised:
06 Mar 2024, 15:06
Metadata Revised:
06 Mar 2024, 15:06
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We worked on a project that will deal with being able to map and position the small particles that make up a nucleon. This will be accomplished by sending a high
energy particle; in this case a photon into a proton(nucleon). After the photon is sent to hit the
inside of a proton, it will collide with a quark causing it to rebound and sending two electrons
that can be measured and analyzed. Using this information along with what we know about the
nucleon structure we can better understand what happens inside the nucleon. Quarks are
considered a meson particle and have an opposite in an antiquark. The symbol for this particle as
used throughout this experiment is 𝝅 . A 0 proton is defined as a nucleon along with a neutron
and both of these particles fall under the classification of a Hardon.In a proton there are three
consistent quarks. Quarks can have a positive or negative charge, an up quark has an eclectic
charge of +⅔ and a down quark has an electric charge of -1/3
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