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Caen Power Supply Operation from the Front Panel

Modifications to the parameter settings should in general not be made at the front panel or through a locally connected terminal if the EPICS system is in operation. This mode of control is meant for diagnostics and testing of a detector system prior to running. There are only two features which must be set at the front panel before initiating an EPICS control session - the crate number and the RS232 configuration (suggested defaults are 9600 baud, no parity, 1 stop bit).

If unfamiliar with the operation of the HV system in local mode, one should get experienced personnel or review Chapter 4 of the Caen Technical Information Manual [1]. Operation is generally straightforward, however. Use the arrow and menu buttons to get the desired channel on the LCD display, then use the arrow buttons to select the parameter you wish to change. Use the Modify and Change menu items to initiate the change; use arrows or numeric keypad to set the new value. To turn a channel ON, for example, display the channel, move the cursor over the word OFF, and press MODIFY.

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Stephen A. Wood 2005-05-20