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It is recommended that you write comment at the number so that everybody recognize them quickly. Comment starts ! mark.

For example:

 12, 10, 3, 2 !TDC ROC#7 Sl#22 Ch#12 KSCIN pl#10 id sig#3 [TDC]
 13, 10, 7, 2 !TDC ROC#7 Sl#22 Ch#13 KSCIN pl#10 id sig#7 [TDC]
 14, 10, 4, 2 !TDC ROC#7 Sl#22 Ch#14 KSCIN pl#10 id sig#4 [TDC]
 15, 10, 8, 2 !TDC ROC#7 Sl#22 Ch#15 KSCIN pl#10 id sig#8 [TDC]

Stephen A. Wood 2005-05-23