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First of all, in e01011-replay directory,

> cvs update

Assume that you are going to update scintillator parameter. They are in hhodo.param.xxxxx where xxxxx is run number we start to use the parameters. For example, you are going to use new parameter from run 60000. All the parameter files in


(1) copy up-to-date hhodo.param to hhodo.param.60000.

(2) put adjusted parameters and save it.

(3) execute

> cvs add hhodo.param.60000

if it is not on cvs.



> cvs commit -m '<your comment>' hhodo.param.60000

Then, your parameter is on cvs directory.

Next, (6) go to e01011-replay/DBASE directory.

(7) Check DBASE/e01011.database and look for a region for the run number you are concerned.

For example up-to-date database may be,

g_ctp_parm_filename   = 'DBASE/e01011.param.59900'
g_decode_map_filename = 'MAPS/'
g_ctp_kinematics_filename ='DBASE/e01011.kinematics'

(8) copy them then separate parameter file region as:

g_ctp_parm_filename   = 'DBASE/e01011.param.59900'
g_decode_map_filename = 'MAPS/'
g_ctp_kinematics_filename ='DBASE/e01011.kinematics'

g_ctp_parm_filename   = 'DBASE/e01011.param.60000'
g_decode_map_filename = 'MAPS/'
g_ctp_kinematics_filename ='DBASE/e01011.kinematics'

This means from run 60000 you use e01011.param.60000.

(9) after save it, copy e01011.param.59900 to e01011.param.60000 then edit and change only the filename which you want to update:


#include "PARAM/hhodo.param.59900"


#include "PARAM/hhodo.param.60000"

(10) then, run replay to see if it works fine in your directory.

(11) After it run successfully, commit the files you editted:

> cd e01011-replay/DBASE
> cvs add e01011.param.60000
> cvs commit -m '<your comment>' e01011.database e01011.param.60000

The commit is scceeded, the update is done. Please notify what you updated to analysis people.

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Stephen A. Wood 2005-05-23