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Motor, Controller and Brake

The motors are mounted at bottom sides of slit boxes. Two limit switches for negative and positive positions, and home switch are placed on the sides. The control boxes are located at a rack in front of SOS power supplies in Hall C. These are operated from hcpc10402 (pc104 board PC) remotely. Current positions and status are read out and stored in EPICS and data.

Since the HKS sieve slit is quite heavy, a brake is used in case of something accident like power down. The brake ON and OFF is done automatically in the running program.

The $+$($-$) limit switch is located at an edge in the $+$($-$) direction. When the $+$($-$) limit switch is latched, you have to move a box to the $-$($+$) direction only.

The `Go home' direction is always `$-$'. Therefore, when the $-$ limit switch is latched, move by $+$50 ($+$15) for HKS-S.S (Enge-S.S) and then `Go home again. '

Stephen A. Wood 2005-06-16