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Data taking

  1. Make sure beam is stable and 5 $\mu$A or less. For rastered beam one can use up to 10 $\mu$A , but first try with 5 $\mu$A. Let MCC know that you are planning to do a scan.

  2. ssh cvxwrks@cdaqh1 with cdaq password

  3. cd g0superharp
  4. cd scan_data/spring03 and make a new directory for the new date and run number of the data run. e.g. mkdir apr_01_03_runnumber

  5. cd ../.. , so you are in the g0superharp directory.

  6. type harp_launch

  7. In the GUI click on Calculate and choose Scan. A small medm window will appear. Click on the execute button and then open the file Harp_MEDM/g0superharp.adl using the file menu. Then you will get a GUI with the Superharp. For each superharp scan desired.

    1. Click on blue button near desired superharp
    2. Another gui pops up, click on the red scan button and then wait until ``Declared zero point harp position'' is displayed. Kill screen after scan is done.

  8. Now from the main GUI type spring03 in the Experiment window and the directory name ( that you set above) in the Filename window.

  9. Click on File menu and select Load New Data.

  10. Click on yellow button with one of the harp names and select from the list which harp you want to look at. To clear screen click on File menu and choose Reset.

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Stephen A. Wood 2005-03-18