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Electronics of Hall C Superharps

Electronics in Hall C Blue Rack #HC01Z06

Harp Power Distribution Stepper Motor Interface Chassis Harp Preamp Power Supply Hall C Harp CAMAC Crate - HP Harp Trigger Generator (CAMAC crate slot #23) - Series controller (CAMAC crate slot #24/25, Jorway L2)

Slot and Channel Assignment in Hall C Harp CAMAC Crate

Wire Pickup Radiation Pickup ID# Micro Input PGA ADC PGA ADC Stepper register 1008 5333B 1008 5333B

Slot Chan Slot Chan Slot Chan Slot Chan Slot Chan Slot Chan

3C07A 16 J2A 19 1 10 1 13 J1-0 9 1 13 J2-16 3C07B 16 J2B 19 2 10 2 13 J1-2 9 2 13 J2-17

3C12A 16 J1A 20 1 10 3 13 J1-4 9 3 13 J2-18 3C12B 16 J1B 20 2 10 4 13 J1-6 9 4 13 J2-19

3C17A 17 J2A 21 1 10 5 13 J1-8 9 5 13 J2-20 3C17B 17 J2B 21 2 10 6 13 J1-10 9 6 13 J2-21

3H00 17 J1A 22 1 10 7 13 J1-12 9 7 13 J2-22 3H00A 17 J1B 22 2 10 8 13 J1-14 9 8 13 J2-23

Electronics in Hall C Blue Rack #HC01Z17

Harp Power Distribution Stepper Motor Interface Chassis Harp Preamp Power Supply Hall C Harp CAMAC Crate HP Harp Trigger Distributor (CAMAC crate slot #7) - Series controller (Kinetic System 3952-L2, slot # 24/25)

Slot and Channel Assignment in G0 Harp CAMAC Crate

Wire Pickup Only ID# Micro Input PGA ADC Stepper register 1008 5333B

Slot Chan Slot Chan Slot Chan Slot Chan

3G00 16 J2A 19 1 10 1 13 J1-0 3G0A 16 J2B 19 2 10 2 13 J1-2

Driving and Encoder System

- Counts per turn 65536 - Turns of full range 64 - Accuracy  1 part in 65535 - Repeatability  LSB - Configuration Electromagnetic resolver - Pitch of lead screw 2.54 mm - Motion Range 76.2 mm ( 16 bit) - Stepper motor SLO-SYN M063-LF-401 - Interface MS 40 Microstepper - Microstep size 1/256 step - Microsteps per revolution 51200 - Microsteps per 16 bit 25 - Used encoder range 16 bit (eliminate highest and lowest bit) - Readout unit of encoder 16 bit (for survey record)

Connection between PMT signal cable and PGA (slot #9)

PMT ID Central Pin Cable Shielding

3C07A 2A 1A 1B (short) 3C07B 2C 1C 2B (short)

3C12A 5A 4A 4B (short) 3C12B 5C 4C 5B (short)

3C17A 9A 8A 8B (short) 3C17B 9C 8C 9B (short)

3H00 12A 11A 11B (short) 3H00A 12C 11C 12B (short)

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Stephen A. Wood 2005-03-18