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Login any PC of cdaql1 - cdaql6 with 'cvxwrks' and go to /home/cvxwrks/MEDM/HKS. Type ./sst-control.tcl and see the window of Sieve slits / Target control for E01-011. You can operate sieve slits and the target ladder from this window. The $+$ direction is moving to left on the camera (from the upstream). The bottom column is for the target ladder.

> 'STOP!'       stop running program. 
> 'tgt1'-'tgt6' move to target#1-6. #1 is at most right side from the upstream. 
> 'AllOut'      move the lader out completry to exchange the ladder. 
> 'Out +10mm'   move out from beamline by +10 mm to fine tuning a position.
> 'In  -10mm'   move into beamlime by -10 mm.
> 'Out +1mm'    move out from beamline by +1 mm.
> 'In  -1mm'    move into beamlime by -1 mm.
> 'Out +0.5mm'  move out from beamline by +0.5 mm.
> 'In  -0.5mm'  move into beamlime by -0.5 mm.
> 'Go home'     move to HOME switch (+0.0) after power recycling.

To move,

  1. Push the button of `tgt1' $\sim$ `tgt6' to move the ladder to the target 1 $\sim$ 6 position.
  2. See a message 'Moving..' on a right-white window after a few seconds.
  3. After a message of `Stopping...' is shown up, Check the current position on the `Position' window.
  4. Look at the target on the camera and do a fine tuning with the bottom of '+-10', '+-1' and '+-0.5'.
  5. Start run.

In a case of emergency,

Stephen A. Wood 2005-06-16