NOTE: The ERR date is now * Monday, March 19 (Note the change from March 23!) I've tentatively scheduled another group meeting for: * Monday March 5 at 4pm in A110 (following the weekly Hall C meeting) Check your Zimbra calendar. At that point I am hoping the "deliverables" (yay, I'm so corporate!) called out below will be available in a Draft format. I'll touch base the sub-groups in a couple weeks. ==================================================================== Deliverables by ** March 5 **: ** Details and additional notes for these items are below ** Walter: Draft Gantt chart for overall installation plan Bert: Meet with Ed + Walter to walk through the installation/ alignment procedures. Updated drawings to cover items/issues noted below Joe/JP: Installation plan / Gantt chart(s) for: - Patch panel /controls cabling for target - Moller work, Laser fiber installation Jack/Joe: Installation plan / Gantt chart(s) for: - Slow Controls / EPICS integration / Interlocks - Touch base with Sue Witherspoon for EPICS work ==================================================================== ---------------------------------------------------------- Attending: Ed, Dave G., Jerry, Larry JP, Bert, Al G., Brad, Jack, Steve ---------------------------------------------------------- ============================== Techs (Walter, Jerry, Larry) ============================== * [March 5] Draft Gantt chart for major installation items - MS Project files from the 2008 Hall A Pol 3He installation are available here and should be a good reference: - Issues raised: - large shield hut for electronics under beamline will need to be shifted to allow JLG access under the beamline - Option of moving some of the electronics planned for that bunker to existing racks behind green wall -- may not be needed - modifications to SOS shield plates planned for roof - modifications to Lead/Steel/Plastic shielding layer arrangements - Gas system plumbing for target system (replicate 2008 Hall A setup) - remote controlled pump, piping, etc ============================== Engineering/Design issues (Metzger) ============================== * [March 5] - Update drawings, etc as needed - Recommend that Bert walk through installation and alignment plans with Walter *and* Ed Folts present to capture lessons learned from 2008 - Finalize rack / hut locations (ie. JLG issue above) - Identify new power and clean-ground requirements needed to support Pol. target equipment and polarimetry devices - 'Orange peel' G10 enclosure around the target region - See [2008] - We must be able to open/close access to this region multiple times, and fairly easily for the target work after assembly and during the run. - The panels must be light tight and interlocked with the laser safety system. - The enclosure should be as gas tight as possible to capture the He inside - He gas is used to cool the target cell and the beamline entrance/exit windows. - He gas is also used to minimize backgrounds and activation of N, O in air. - We need to minimize losses to the Hall for two reasons: - Take care that we don't put enough He in Hall to risk our PMTs - Minimize total He consumption ($$) - Design a 'pressure switch' system as with g2p to control the vent fan speed? (Segal, Folts) - Consumption of He4 should be estimated (any measurements from 2008?) - even roughly measurements from Cryo (supply) logs may be useful? - Upstream diagnostics girder (Paulo) is being finalized. Integration with Pol 3He group is part of that process but we need to keep an eye on this. - Formally define downstream beamline - Use largest diameter '12 GeV era' pipe owned by Hall C - Clearly identify/advertise the minimum HMS + SHMS angles achievable with the planned beamline (use a big font!) - Entrance/exit windows have Beryllium window (w/ aluminum plate) ============================== Laser Fiber installation [Beaufait] ============================== * [March 5] Gantt chart of procurement and installation plans - power supply requirements, controls, and cabling - laser fiber installation from Laser room through to the pivot - JP notes that active cooling (air flow, etc) may be required around any fiber junctions to take away heat from laser light absorption in those regions. - Correction coil power supplies - power supply specs, and location - could be remotely controlled (supplies in labyrinth? + remote control) ============================== Electrical/Electronics (Segal, Beaufait, JP) ============================== * [March 5] * Formally define patch panel and cable requirements * Request a summary Gantt chart from Joe/Jack to capture procurement, installation and checkout of the target control systems * Safety interlocks need to be called out on JPs controls/patch-panel diagram - Target control cables - JP has an patch panel layout with wire/type counts - Nguyen Tong working on this - JP + Students will send patch panel diagram to Joe+Jack for cable counts, etc - Identify any new power and clean-ground requirements needed to support target equipment (pumps, racks, etc) target polarimetry devices - Target Lifter status - verify hardware works (2008 parts have been located on-site) ============================== Moller work (Joe, Dave G.) ============================== * [March 5] Procurement / Installation timeline from Joe - Power supply needs to get commissioned at full current - only running at low current now - needs to install 1200A(?) supply - need to install coolant water supply ============================== Slow Controls / EPICS integration / Interlocks (Segal, Sue) ============================== * [March 5] Generate timeline / Gantt chart for this work from Segal - Target gas system controls (pumps, pressure readbacks, NMR - Interlocks integration with Accelerator PSS, MPS, as required - Target Polarimetry controls - LabView --> EPICS archiver - Gaskell/Steve has something like this for Compton - Sue Witherspoon via Jack Segal (Hall contact) - Target lifter (EPICS) - Oven controls (EPICS) - Laser controls (EPICS) - Gas system controls (EPICS) - Temperature readbacks (EPICS) - NOTE: We are *not* doing fast spin flip for this experimental group, so no need for the sophisticated fast system used during 2008 group. On Fri, 02 Feb 2018, Brad Sawatzky wrote: > Hi all, > > Just a confirmation that we will have our 3He installation meeting > on Tuesday, February 6, at 3:30pm. > > ** NOTE: We will move the meeting to A110 (less crowded) ** > > Erica has reserved A110 for us, but Zimbra won't let me change the room in > the primary meeting entry. So, go to A110 instead of B101. > > I've put some materials (CAD drawings, etc) from Bert and JP here: > > > If any of you have information that you would feel would be useful for > the group, please send it to me and I will make a copy available there. > > -- Brad > > > The Hall C A1n/g2n (polarized He3 run group) is prepping for an ERR > > on March 23. I would like to have a meeting with you folks to start > > developing a plan to get this experiment on the floor when the time > > comes (a few years from now). > > > > I expect to run over at least the following items: > > - Large-scale mechanical/engineering installation requirements > > - rough target installation > > - pivot, beamline modifications > > - target laser platform > > - ... > > > > - Pol He3 target support hardware > > - control rack locations (+shielding issues) > > - new patch panel(s) between CH <-> Hall C > > - field coil power supply placement > > - gas system requirements > > - laser fibers > > - ... > > - Slow control requirements > > - Laser controls > > - Gas system controls > > - > > - Identify laser safety interlock requirements > > > > Yup, there's a lot there, and I'm sure it is a very rough list. > > Remember, the goal is to develop a plan and rough timeline for > > installation. I'm sure we'll need to meet a few more times. I hope a > > lot of this can be modeled after the 2008 Hall A He3 installation. This > > first meeting will be primarily to lay out the scope of work. > > >