Some general guidance that we should pass on to any wiki editors: - When new a1n/d2n specific wiki pages are created, their page names should be prefixed with "a1n_d2n", or similar to avoid generic names that would collide with other experiments on the Hall C wiki. For example, "A1n-d2n_runplans" instead of just "runplans". - New general purpose pages, like SHMS/HMS calibrations and/or general analysis related documentation that is not already present in the wiki, should avoid 'a1n-d2n' specific language/names. - Whenever possible: - we should update/fix/augment existing wiki pages rather than spinning off our own copy and updating that, - files and other documents should be uploaded to the wiki (rather than be links to some other web-space), and - we should work to have canonical instructions/information in a single location (ideally, in the Hall C wiki) so we do not have to try to keep multiple pages in sync.