Dear all, I finished a round of thermal simulations for the optics foils and the Be windows in beam. Cooling with 2 jets, one US, one DS along the beam line, set for the glass cell windows, but with the optics frame on the beam line. Coolant flow: N2 at 20 l/min, 1.7 atm, 300 K. The optics cases are summarized in the table attached. I'm also attaching pictures with temperature profiles from some of the cases (the naming is more or less self-explanatory). For vespel SP-1 (JP please confirm the material we are using) as optics frame material, the max operational temperature, from literature, is 533 K. So, 30 uA beam current rastered or not should be fine on all optics positions, for the O4H (optics 4 high position), the beam current limit could be set to 50 uA, rastered or not. The Be beam line windows simulations were done for the same conditions for the N2 cooling jets. The Be window US is 1.855 cm radius and 0.254 mm thick; the Be window DS is 2.66 cm radius and 0.508 mm thick. With no directed cooling at them the max temperatures in the windows are: 30 uA, 5 mm raster, Be_in = 396 K, Be_out = 397 K 60 uA, 5 mm raster, Be_in = 463 K, Be_out = 468 K I can send the temperature profiles to Steve L. and he could calculate the stresses in the windows Kind Regards, Silviu