Note that the results shown here have been superseded by those in PRC 104 (2021) 6, 065203C

See or

Figures and data tables from

J.Seely, A. Daniel et al, "New Measurements of the EMC Effect in Very Light Nuclei"

(PRL 103 (2009) 202301 or nucl-ex/0904.4448)

Q2 dependence of ratio

Figure 1.  Carbon EMC ratios for the five highest Q2 settings (Q2 quoted at x=0.75).
 Uncertainties are the combination of statistical and point to point systematic.
The solid curve is the SLAC fit to the Carbon EMC ratio.

1. Figure in eps format.
2. Data files:
    a) Q2=4.1 GeV2 carbon_q2_4.1_ratio.dat
    b) Q2=4.5 GeV2 carbon_q2_4.5_ratio.dat
    c) Q2=4.8 GeV2 carbon_q2_4.8_ratio.dat
    d) Q2=5.3 GeV2 carbon_q2_5.3_ratio.dat
    e) Q2=6.1 GeV2 carbon_q2_6.1_ratio.dat

Carbon, beryllium, and helium-4 EMC ratios

Figure 2. EMC ratios for 12C, 9Be, and 4He, compare to SLAC. The 9Be results include a correction for the neutron excess.
 Closed (open) circles denote W2 above (below) 2 GeV2. The solid curve is the A-dependent fit to the SLAC data, while the
 dashed curve is the fit to 12C. Normalization uncertainties are shown in parentheses for both measurements.

1. Figure 2 in eps format.
2. Data files:
    a) Carbon ratio:     carbon_q2_5.3_ratio.dat
    b) Beryllium ratio: be_q2_5.3_ratio.dat
    c) Helium-4 ratio:  he4_q2_5.3_ratio.dat

Helium-3 ratio

Figure 3. EMC ratio for 3He. The upper squares are the raw 3He/2H ratios, while the bottom
 circles show the isoscalar EMC ratio. The triangles are the HERMES results, which use a different
isoscalar correction. The solid (dashed) curves are the SLAC A-dependent fits to Carbon and 3He.

1. Figure 3 in eps format.
2. Data file: he3_q2_5.3_ratio.dat

Density dependence

Figure 4. The circles show the slopes of the isoscalar EMC ratio for 0.35 function of nuclear density. Error bars include statistical and systematic uncertainties.

1. Figure 4 in ps format.

This site is maintained by David Gaskell
Last updated 2024-February-7