These are the links for the beam energy and various kinematic offsets:

1. Preliminary beam energy measurements (by Mark Jones): 4.2 GeV, 5.2 GeV, 3.8 GeV, 4.7 GeV
The energy measurements are called preliminary because the superharp information has not yet been incorporated.

2. Preliminary e+p offset determinations:

i. offline analysis of single arm measurements (by Tanja Horn) FpiII HMS runs   additional residual plotsupdated 9/24/03
The effects of radiation and the W vs xpfp correlation have been taken into account. There are systematic problems at small HMS angles (ie, where we take all our production data!). The previously seen high values of W at 5.2 GeV were attributed to a vertical beam position error for which a preliminary correction has been made using only 3H00C BPM information. The sign of the correction is in dispute.

Tanja's online single arm measurements (superseded) 4.2 GeV, 5.2 GeV, 3.8 GeV, 4.7 GeV

ii. coincidence measurements (aka HEEPCHECK)
Preliminary PmOOP analysis (by Chuncheng Xu) updated 9/10/030
Preliminary HEEPcheck analysis (by Chuncheng Xu) updated 9/26/03 with radiative shifts
To do: understanding the effect of vertical beam spot motion, assigning reasonable errors for dW, etc (in progress), and finally a global fit.
List of HEEPcheck runs (by Chuncheng Xu)
Plot showing radiative tails of heepcheck variables

3. SOS Saturation Information (by Dave Mack)
Using the code from the engine's central field correction for the SOS, I made a plot for comparison to Figure 4.7 of Jochen's thesis. The agreement is good though that doesn't make it correct. If the saturation correction is enabled and SOS momentum offsets are determined, at least we'll have some hope of understanding what it means.
Plot of SOS saturation correction in engine as of September 9, 2003
Data for SOS saturation correction plot

4. standard.kinematics

Aug 28, 2003, by Dave Mack