These are Tanja's links:

Basic coincidence time plots:
Figure 1 shows why we wanted the Aerogel: single arm TOF alone cannot separate protons and pions. However, in a pinch, there is good proton-pion separation in coincidence time. There is a little "toe" on the e-pi coincidence time peak which is being investigated.
Figure 2 shows good separation of the RF bursts. Surprisingly, the rejection of protons by this high Aerogel threshold is not that great, perhaps only 30:1. Something is fishy about this poor proton rejection, but it's good enough.
coincidence time

Coincidence time resolution:
200 ps rms resolution

Long term stability:
This figure demonstrates excellent stability of online coincidence time over the run. It may be possible to accommodate this shift by simply using two different windows for the coincidence time cut. coincidence time stability

Path length corrections:
Demonstration that path length corrections are done correctly:
path length corrections