Sept 10, 2003, by Dave Mack
These are the photos provided by Dave Meekins:
Figure to right: Upstream view of cryotarget stack. The solid targets are on top with obvious black beam scars on the Aluminum. The two cylindrical cryogenic cells are near the bottom with barely visible beam scars.
Close-up upstream view of cryogenic cells. Radiation damage has destroyed some of the superinsulation.
Close-up upstream view of the loop 2 (LH2) cryogenic cell. I assume the beam scar is the anemic-looking vertical brown stripe to the left of the light patch.
Close-up upstream view of the loop 3 (LD2) cryogenic cell. I don't see a beam scar at all.
Extreme close-up view of the solid targets.
Another extreme close-up view of the solid targets. Although out of focus, one can see two distinct scars on the standard dummy target (with the darker one possibly created during production running, the lighter one created during shorter tuning periods). The dummy target is not obviously slagged but a closer examination is required.
Other photos are available in but I've shown you the best ones.