Jlab Experiment E93-026: Gen01

This is the home of Gen01, the 2001 run of Jlab experiment E93-026.

For information on the original 1998 run, follow this link.

The main homepage of Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab) can be found here.


Details Safety and Procedural Information People
Experts Analysis Shift Schedule

for your convenience:
Hall C Online Logbook

If you are off-site, you'll need the password! Call (757) 269-6666 if you don't know it.


  The GeN Archive   Neutron Detector Information
  Target Information   Cryogenic Control of the Gen01 Polarized Target
  nDet Cabling Map (postscript), July 30 version
see also ~cdaq/gen/Documents for potential updates
  Scaler Channel Map (postscript), July 26 version
  Empty & Carbon Runs (Q2=0.5)

Shift Schedule

  Main Schedule Page     if you can't wait to swap, click here...     Check YOUR schedule!  



Collaboration List

Important Contacts in the Accelerator Division


Donal Day (University of Virginia)
16/117   x5255
Joe Mitchell (Jefferson Lab)
12/A105   x7851
Marko Zeier (University of Virginia)
16/117   x5255
Glen Warren (Universität Basel)
16/107   x5797

Safety and Procedural Information for Gen01 (E93-026)

Jlab: Procedures for Experiments, Nuclear Physics Program
Online Documentation for Running Hall-C Duties of Gen01 Shift Personnel
Cryogenic Control of the Gen01 Polarized Target Duties of Gen01 Run Coordinator

Gen01 Analysis


Mailing Lists

We have 2 mailing lists relasting to Gen01 analysis; these links take you to their archives:
gen01-meeting         gen01-analysis


"Replay" of the Raw Data

Code Package
Runtime setup, source code and compiled executables are available as tarball packages (all versions), or directly from the directory structure on the group disk at /group/e93026/analyzer/replay/ (potentially more up-to-date, see here for details). An overview of our replay is below.

How to Analyze the Data (offline) -- i.e. do a replay of the data
Instruction are available here.

Large-scale Replay using the Jlab BATCH FARM
and our super, automagic, do-it-all, easy-as-pie tool batchman is explained here.

For historical purposes only:
ONLINE replay Instructions


Details on the "official" Analysis, Progress and Results,

are now at http://hallcweb.jlab.org/experiments/gen01/analysis.html


Analysis Replay -- Overview

In the NSF group space at Jlab, a reference setup is available (as well as the files indicated below) at
This is always the most up-to-date setup available (see here for the latest changes). Note, though, that you may need to compile your own executable.

Periodically, a fixed reference distribution is created, which is contained in a source and a runtime TARball, and some matching executables are pre-compiled for you to use. The different versions can be found here (use the latest unless there is a specific reason not to).

Notes on our Analysis setup (ReadMe) and Setup instructions, as well as OFFLINE and ONLINE replay instructions.

Batch setup & replay instructions including use of our exclusive BatchMan tool are available here.

(frw) 6-2002