Cuts for Q2=0.5 Data
based on the definition used for Butcher v541
Cuts for Q2=1.0 Data
based on the definition used for Butcher v1044
The variable names above are the actual names used in the coincidence Ntuple, except those in italics; these latter ones are derived as follows:
ypos horizontal intercept of the track with plane 3; determined by multiplying the horizontal slope ntrk_dy with the nominal z-position of plane 3 (429.1cm for Q2=0.5, 620.1cm for Q2=1.0) Eprime kinetic energy of scattered electron, EXCLUDING any radiative Eloss corrections. Obtained from reconstructed track delta (hsdelta) by applying the nominal central momentum via: hpcentral * (1+hsdelta/100.)
Some replay iterations additionally used a 0.9967 scale factor, originating from a -0.33% offset correction between nominal and actual HMS momentum (due to the magnet program), which has been found to not apply (saturation effect?). The actual hpcentral values are:
The final results (4th pass) do not include the -0.33% offset.
run no hpcentral hpcentral*0.9967 1-40001 0. 0. 40002-40135 2.648 2.639 40136-40138 1.790 1.784 40139-40513 2.060 2.053 40514-40629 2.004 1.997 40630-41791 1.9627 1.956 41792- 2.810 2.801