Butcher Results

Below are the accumulated theButcher results for Gen01. Each iteration (version) is identified and a brief summary is provided. The set of data files (see below) is available, as are any plots. Further, the FORTRAN source and the debugging output from ButcherSchool is also linked to. Where available, a link to the relevant message in the analysis mailing list archive is also provided. These refer to the Jlab archive -- the UVa version is much better but the numbering is actually different. You'll have to use the subject and date of the message to find it there.

For each iteration of theButcher, the script theButcherShop created several data files; although the content of each type of file is consistent across the versions, it was not static, so differences do exist. Also, not all types of files were always created and occasionally there are alternative versions of a file. Special cases will be addresse either in the short description below or in the message linked to. The definition of the cuts used in the respective versions can be extracted from the source, the debugging data or (sometimes) the referenced message.

The chunky files contain the event counts, total and for each cut, as determined by theButcher. They are given seperately for positive and negative beam helicity. The ground files contain the corresponding asymmetries, instead. Both asymmetry and statistical error are given, as are the corrections which are already applied. The mashed files contain total counts and rates instead of asymmetry and error. patties are successive runs averaged together (asymmetries) until either the polarization changes sign or the target cup changes between top and bottom; then a new group is started. The run number given is for the first run in the group. Lastly, the burger files contain overall averages, and also subsets of same beam and target polarization sign.

Be warned: these files (other than burger) are large and have many columns. To view them, an editor which allows horizontal scrolling and fixed fonts is needed, though viewing them in a web browser may be possible. The "burger" files are oriented vertically, so most fixed-font display options should work. They are formatted to allow access to the PID subsets by GNUPLOT.


Data Files (beef)
Q2=0.5 Second Pass   offline, all calibrations in place, first meaningful results
v1 - v3 these used an incorrect definition of the base cut set and are therefore essentially meaningless
v4 W, theta_np, ypos, theta_pq, hszbeam
first version with proper cuts
msg00041 BurgerPlot   PolCheck tcomp   PolCheck tdiff chunky   ground   patties   burger   -
v5 hszbeam   ntrk_t msg00116 BurgerPlot   PolCheck tcomp   PolCheck tdiff chunky   ground   patties   burger FORTRAN
v6 W   ypos   hszbeam
switched to offline target polarization
msg00128 BurgerPlot   PolCheck tcomp   PolCheck tdiff chunky   ground   patties   burger FORTRAN   debug
v7 200 bins in hszbeam msg00140, msg00137 BurgerPlot   PolComp STD   PolCcomp ALT chunky   ground   patties   burger FORTRAN   debug
v8 ytar xptar yptar xfp yfp xpfp ypfp W hszbeam
STD now has cut on hszbeam
msg00147 BurgerPlot HMS recon   BurgerPlot hszbeam   PolCheck HMS recon   PolCheck hszbeam chunky   ground   patties   burger FORTRAN   debug
v9 "quick cut dependence" (W, ypos) msg00238 BurgerPlot chunky   ground   patties   burger FORTRAN   debug
v10 (not released, junk)   -   -   -   -
v11 cut dependence (W, ypos, theta_pq), good protons   introduce physics summary msg00281   - chunky   ground   patties   burger   PHYSICS FORTRAN   debug
v12 -3<ntrk_t<7, bins in ntrk_dx
physics summary merged into burger file
msg00313 BurgerPlot (ntrk_dx bins, good proton) chunky   ground   patties   burger FORTRAN   debug
v13 added hcer_npe cut, added ntrk_dx cut for p only,
changed Eprime cut, ypos bins, W subsets
msg00365 BurgerPlot (comp proton data and MC) chunky   ground   patties   burger FORTRAN   debug
v14 bins for GEn fit, target interaction point studies msg00397 BurgerPlot (W bins) chunky   ground   patties   burger FORTRAN   debug
v15 bins for GEn fit,   hszbeam cut removed msg00444   - chunky   ground   patties   burger FORTRAN   debug
v16 bins for GEn fit,   Nitrogen correction removed, extended systematics msg00517, msg00518, msg00578 systematics in proton asymmetry chunky   ground   patties   burger (see v15)
v17 stick 2 only (stick 1+2 burger file for comparison)
event rates added to butcher averages
msg00659   - chunky   ground   mashed   patties   burger   burger1+2 FORTRAN   debug
v18-20 (not released, junk)   -   -   -   -
v21 background correction applied msg00691   - chunky   ground   mashed   patties   burger FORTRAN   debug
v22 new target polarization data
(adds 20 runs to good data set)
msg00723   - chunky   ground   mashed   patties   burger FORTRAN   debug
v23 manual HMS vertical offset correction msg00775 impact of offset correction chunky   ground   mashed   patties   burger FORTRAN   debug
v24 added track time bins to v23 msg00843 (see list entry) chunky   ground   mashed   patties   burger FORTRAN   debug
Q2=0.5 Fourth Pass (3rd pass skipped)   removed HMS momentum correction
v541 FINAL results, 4th pass msg01177 burger plot(s) chunky   ground   mashed   patties   burger FORTRAN   debug
Q2=1.0 Second Pass   offline, all calibrations in place, first meaningful results
v51 xpos, ypos, beam x, beam y, hszbeam  
first Q2=1.0 results (prelim!)
msg00813 BurgerPlot chunky   ground   mashed   patties   burger FORTRAN   debug
v52 pass 2 complete, errors corrected, bad runs removed (all available), final cuts
E' is now vertex, not HMS
msg00823   msg00824 BurgerPlot chunky   ground   mashed   patties   burger   burger-p   burger-all FORTRAN   debug
v53 first "physics" bins msg00846   - chunky   ground   mashed   patties   burger FORTRAN   debug
v54 40 bins   -- bad Eprime bins (see v55)
corrected burger file available
msg00869 BurgerPlot chunky   ground   mashed   patties   burger   fixed FORTRAN   debug
v55 corrected Eprime bins for v54
see fixed version of v54 burger
  -   - chunky   ground   mashed   patties   burger FORTRAN   debug
v56 updated bin definitions (8 and 40 count)
separate stick 3 & 4 burger files
msg00875 norm rates vs. W chunky   ground   mashed   patties   burger   burger-s3   burger-s4 FORTRAN   debug
v57 shifted W cut by -19 MeV msg00882   - chunky   ground   mashed   patties   burger FORTRAN   debug
v58 nominal 2nd pass results, no kinematic shifts
for comparison with pass 3 (see v1001)
msg01043 comparison plot: v58 vs v1001 chunky   ground   mashed   patties   burger FORTRAN   debug
Q2=1.0 Third Pass   test of offset HMS kinematics
v1001 prelim. 3rd pass results (cfg. v58) msg01043 comparison plot: v58 vs v1001 chunky   ground   patties   mashed   burger FORTRAN   debug
v1002 prelim. 3rd pass results, physics bins msg01005 burger plot(s) chunky   ground   patties   mashed   burger FORTRAN   debug
Q2=1.0 Fourth Pass   nominal HMS kinematics, removed HMS momentum correction
v1041 4th pass (physics bins) msg01107 burger plot(s)   patty p asym   coincidence rates  
counts/run:   n   p
chunky   ground   patties   mashed   burger FORTRAN   debug
v1042 40 bins (physics, theta_HMS, ntrk_t, xpos, hszbeam) msg01109 burger plot(s)   p-asym systematics chunky   ground   patties   mashed   burger FORTRAN   debug
v1043 pion asymmetries msg01142 burger plot(s) chunky   ground   patties   mashed   burger FORTRAN   debug
v1044 FINAL results, 4th pass msg01177 burger plot(s) chunky   ground   patties   mashed   burger FORTRAN   debug
(frw) 7-2003