Sample Raster Calibration Check Details -- Run 42321

Vertical Calibration: Comparing calibrated ADC x with SEM y

Each plot is a bin in the calibrated ADC value. Bins are defined in CTP histogram automatically genertaed by replay. Histogram label identifies run, x or y, and center of ADC bin; if calibration is good, a good fit to good data should match the bin centroid. Deviations are due either to the fit or the calibration. You judge.
The script generating these plots came up with and average discrepancy (SEM fit - calibrated ADC) in x of -0.12 +/- 0.13 mm.

Horizontal Calibration: Comparing calibrated ADC y with SEM x

Each plot is a bin in the calibrated ADC value. Bins are defined in CTP histogram automatically genertaed by replay. Histogram label identifies run, x or y, and center of ADC bin; if calibration is good, a good fit to good data should match the bin centroid. Deviations are due either to the fit or the calibration. You judge.
The script generating these plots came up with and average discrepancy (SEM fit - calibrated ADC) in y of 0.12 +/- 0.18 mm.

frw November, 2002