Sample syncfilter Report Summary

Internally, syncfilter knows nothing of run numbers since its input actually comes from the system's standard input stream, not from a file.

A summary like the following can be found at the end of a run's syncfilter log file. Annotations follow the figure.

///  syncfilter done (2)  --  954540 events in run, 30730 helicity buckets
///           all     good         T         <t>           Q        <I>    
///   p     15366    12342    401.1 s    0.0325 s    38.575 mC   96.183 nA
///   n     15364    12311    400.1 s    0.0325 s    37.988 mC   94.939 nA
///  p-n        2       31      0.9 s   -0.0000 s     0.587 mC    1.244 nA
///           other BCM (BCM1)          p            37.213 mC   92.789 nA
///                                     n            36.646 mC   91.585 nA
///                                    p-n            0.568 mC    1.204 nA
///    Charge Asymetry p-n/p+n   good:    0.7663 %     (BCM1    0.7685 %)
///                               all:    0.6901 %     (BCM1    0.6974 %)
///    Count ratio good/all  = 80.22 %
///    Charge ratio good/all = 94.12 %    (BCM1 94.64 %)
///  Event Types and frequency:
///                  total   sync ok  bad sync  past end  bad curr      GOOD
///    type   0 :      510       507         3         0       101       406
///    type   3 :   922496    913933      6744      1819     40229    873704
///    type   4 :     1000      1000         0         0      1000         0
///    type   5 :    30327     30101       180        46      5852     24249
///    type  17 :        1         1         0         0         1         0
///    type  18 :        1         1         0         0         1         0
///    type 130 :        1         1         0         0         1         0
///    type 131 :       30        30         0         0         8        22
///    type 132 :      163       162         1         0        35       127
///    type 133 :        5         5         0         0         5         0
///    type 141 :        2         2         0         0         2         0
///    type 143 :        2         2         0         0         2         0
///    type 144 :        1         1         0         0         1         0
///    type 146 :        1         1         0         0         1         0
///    type 251 :        0     30101       180        46      -226         0


///  syncfilter done (2)  --  954540 events in run, 30730 helicity buckets
This line shows the number of events found in the raw data file itself, not counting the "fake" events insterted by syncfilter, and the number of helicity states ("buckets"). It also indicates the terminal beam current state.

///           all     good         T         <t>           Q        <I>    
///   p     15366    12342    401.1 s    0.0325 s    38.575 mC   96.183 nA
///   n     15364    12311    400.1 s    0.0325 s    37.988 mC   94.939 nA
///  p-n        2       31      0.9 s   -0.0000 s     0.587 mC    1.244 nA
This table seperates the helicity buckets by helicity state and their difference. It gives the total buckets count, the number of buckets with "good" beam current (above 50nA) and no sync errors, the total time accumulated in each helicity state during the good buckets, the average time per bucket, the total charge (in the good buckets) and the average current during these.

One might observe that the difference in the respective accumulated charges is inconsistent with the difference in "good counts"; this of is due to the beam charge asymmetry (see below) which systematically gives less charge in one helicity state than the other, so even if the good counts were identical there would be a difference in the accumulated charges.

///           other BCM (BCM1)          p            37.213 mC   92.789 nA
///                                     n            36.646 mC   91.585 nA
///                                    p-n            0.568 mC    1.204 nA
Just in case, here are total (good) charge and average current based on the other Beam Current Monitor, which is less accurate.

///    Charge Asymetry p-n/p+n   good:    0.7663 %     (BCM1    0.7685 %)
///                               all:    0.6901 %     (BCM1    0.6974 %)
For each BCM, here is the charge asymmetry based on all helicity buckets and on only the "good" ones. The closer to zero the better!

///    Count ratio good/all  = 80.22 %
///    Charge ratio good/all = 94.12 %    (BCM1 94.64 %)
Here is the ratio between "good" and "all" helicity bucket counts and the ratio between the charge accumulated in just the "good" and "all" helicity buckets. The "bad" buckets are defined to have low current or sync errors, and should contribute less charge; the charge ratio therefore ought to be larger than the count ratio.

///  Event Types and frequency:
///                  total   sync ok  bad sync  past end  bad curr      GOOD
///    type   0 :      510       507         3         0       101       406
///    type   3 :   922496    913933      6744      1819     40229    873704
///    type   4 :     1000      1000         0         0      1000         0
///    type   5 :    30327     30101       180        46      5852     24249
///    type  17 :        1         1         0         0         1         0
///    type  18 :        1         1         0         0         1         0
///    type 130 :        1         1         0         0         1         0
///    type 131 :       30        30         0         0         8        22
///    type 132 :      163       162         1         0        35       127
///    type 133 :        5         5         0         0         5         0
///    type 141 :        2         2         0         0         2         0
///    type 143 :        2         2         0         0         2         0
///    type 144 :        1         1         0         0         1         0
///    type 146 :        1         1         0         0         1         0
///    type 251 :        0     30101       180        46      -226         0
This is a breakdown of all the events in the data stream. Note first that event type 251 is what is inserted by syncfilter; these are not included in the count at the top of the summary, thus their "total" column is 0. If the replay engine properly decodes the markers inserted by syncfilter, only the events in the "GOOD" column get analyzed. For historical reasons, the columns "sync ok", "bad sync" and "past end" seperately add up to "total". The entries in the column "bad curr" are those events that do not have "good" current and are not yet accounted for in the other problem columns ("bad sync" and "past end").