Gen01 Replay Version History

Though it is no longer linked to in our code, the Csoft code tree we based the new source on is available here.
Older versions (prior to 01Aug27) still need this!

The batch replay TARballs include our BatchMan job management tool but not the Linux(!) executables of the replay engine or of syncfilter.

Old versions of syncfilter have been removed since those created prior to March 19, 2002 were not actually usable.

See bottom of page for new version of BatchMan.

Code Source
Batch Replay
Runtime Setup
February 4, 2003
(2nd Pass Q2=1)
gz'd TARball (not yet) gz'd TARball (not yet) changes to replay engine and runtime setup, syncfilter (details)
March 21, 2002
(2nd Pass Q2=0.5)
gz'd TARball gz'd TARball gz'd TARball Linux engine (optimized), Linux SYNCFILTER replay engine unchanged from previous version (details)
March 19, 2002 gz'd TARball gz'd TARball gz'd TARball Linux engine (optimized), Linux SYNCFILTER The entire parameter database has been changed! (details)
November 19, 2001
(1st Pass Q2=0.5)
gz'd TARball gz'd TARball gz'd TARball Linux engine (optimized), SunOS engine (optimized) (details)
October 1, 2001 gz'd TARball N/A gz'd TARball Linux engine (optimized), SunOS engine (optimized) (details)
August 27, 2001 gz'd TARball N/A gz'd TARball Linux engine (optimized), SunOS engine (optimized) The entire source tree has changed! More info here.
July 25, 2001 gz'd TARball N/A gz'd TARball Linux engine, SunOS engine (details)
July 19, 2001 gz'd TARball N/A gz'd TARball Linux engine, SunOS engine (details)
July 10, 2001 gz'd TARball N/A gz'd TARball Linux engine, SunOS engine (details)
July 06, 2001 gz'd TARball N/A gz'd TARball Linux engine, SunOS engine (details)
July 02, 2001 absorbed into July 6 version
June 28, 2001 gz'd TARball N/A gz'd TARball Linux engine, SunOS engine (details)
June 26, 2001 absorbed into June 28 version
June 22, 2001 gz'd TARball N/A gz'd TARball Linux, Sun OS last version with runtime setup of Gen98
May 2001 N/A N/A gz'd TARball Linux don't use this one (details)

BatchMan Versions
Important! If you upgrade your BatchMan files, always be sure to upgrade all files and make sure that before actual use you run the BatchMan GUI, click on the "Params" button and "save" the parameters, preferably after verifying them, so that any additions or changes are reflected in your parameter file.
As a general note, the latest version is usually best...

v2.10.14 Numerous enhancements to make it easier to use and more reliable. See documentation for details on the additions. Highly recommended! Just be sure to upgrade everything and to update your Params...
v2.8.20 (see top of batchman script)
v2.4.16 (see top of batchman script)
v2.3.18 This ought to be what is included in the batch setups from March 2002