: Resolution of excitation energy
: Experimental setup and expected
: Enge spectrometer
Count rates in HKS and Enge spectrometers were estimated as follows:
and proton rates in HKS were calculated based on the EPC code,
and were normalized by the experimental values measured in E89-009
for a carbon target at 2.2 degrees. The data obtained in E89-009 are
summarized in section 14.4 of Appendix B.
- Quasifree kaon production cross section was assumed to scale as A
- Electron rate in Enge was evaluated by two methods, one by EGS code and the other by
Light body code, which agreed more or less to each other.
- Pion rate in Enge was calculated based on the EPC code, and normalized
by the same factor used for hadron rates in HKS.
As seen in Table 4, singles rate of HKS is dominated by positive pions.
while that for Enge is by electrons. It is noted that we expect the positron rate
in HKS is low since we setup HKS at an angle off 0 degrees.
The singles rate of the ENGE hodoscope is expected almost two orders of magnitude
less than that of E89-009. With this rate,
the hardware coincidence between electron arm and kaon arm can form
good triggers.
表 4:
Singles rates
Beam |
Enge |
Target |
Intensity |
rate |
rate |
rate |
rate |
rate |
rate |
( A) |
(MHz) |
(kHz) |
(Hz) |
(kHz) |
(MHz) |
(kHz) |
C |
30 |
- |
800 |
340 |
280 |
2.6 |
2.8 |
Si |
30 |
- |
800 |
290 |
240 |
2.6 |
2.8 |
V |
30 |
- |
770 |
260 |
230 |
2.6 |
3.0 |
: Resolution of excitation energy
: Experimental setup and expected
: Enge spectrometer
Satoshi N. Nakamura