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図 1: Excitation energy spectrum of $^{139}_\Lambda $La and $^{208}_\Lambda $Pb measured with the SKS spectrometer of KEK-PS by the $( \pi ^ + ,{\rm K}^ +)$ reaction.

図 2: Excitation energy spectrum of $^{89}_\Lambda $Y measured with the SKS spectrometer of KEK-PS by the $( \pi ^ + ,{\rm K}^ +)$ reaction.

図 3: Excitation energy spectrum of $^{12}_\Lambda $C measured with the SKS spectrometer of KEK-PS by the $( \pi ^ + ,{\rm K}^ +)$ reaction.

図 4: Excitation energy spectrum measured in the E89-009 experiment. Solid line shows the result of Motoba's calculation.

図 5: A schematic view of the E89-009 setup.

図 6: Angular distribution of virtual photons with the $^{12}$C target

図 7: Angular distribution of kaon in the $^{12}$C(e,e'K$^+$) $^{12}_{\Lambda }$B reaction.

図 8: Hypernuclear yield of $^{12}_{\Lambda }$B$_{gr}$ as a function of the beam energy assuming scattered electrons are measured at E$_{e}$ = 0.285 GeV.

図 9: Plan view of the high-resolution kaon spectrometer (HKS) and Enge spectrometer for the proposed experiment.

図 10: Simulated spectrum of the $^{12}$C(e,e'K$^+$) $^{12}_{\Lambda }$B reaction to be observed by the HKS in the proposed beam hours.

図 11: Excitation energy spectrum of $^{28}_\Lambda $Si measured with the SKS spectrometer of KEK-PS by the $( \pi ^ + ,{\rm K}^ +)$ reaction.

図 12: Simulated spectrum of the $^{28}$Si(e,e'K$^+$) $^{28}_{\Lambda }$Al reaction to be observed by the HKS in the proposed beam hours.

図 13: Excitation spectrum of the $^{51}$V($\pi ^+$,K$^+$) $^{51}_{\Lambda }$V reaction measured at BNL [1].

図 14: Simulated spectrum of the $^{51}$V(e,e'K$^+$) $^{51}_{\Lambda }$Ti reaction to be observed by the HKS in the proposed beam hours.

図 15: Expected Hall C setup of the HKS and Enge spectrometer. The installation can be compatible with the G0 setup.

図 16: Acceptance of the HKS spectrometer with the splitter installed.

図 17: Resolution of the HKS spectrometer.

図 18: Energy resolution of the Enge spectrometer for electrons.

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: この文書について... : proposal4-1 : 参考文献
Satoshi N. Nakamura 平成16年12月2日