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: HKS drift chambers : Description of the HKS : Description of the HKS

HKS detector package

The HKS detector package is designed to identify K$^+$s from p, $\pi^+$, e$^+$ backgrounds and to measure their momentum with a resolution of 2 $\times 10^{-4}$. In order to realize the requirements, the HKS detector package consists of drift chambers, time-of-flight walls, aerogel Cerenkov counters, and water Cerenkov counters. Table 11 summarizes the HKS detector package and their parameters.

表 11: Detectors for the E01-011 experiment
Nomenclature Size Comments
Drift chamber    
HDC1 $30^H \times 120^W \times 2^T cm$ xx'uu'(+30 deg)vv'(-30 deg)
    5 mm drift distance
HDC2 $30^H \times 120^W \times 2^T cm$ xx'uu'(+30 deg)vv'(-30 deg)
    5 mm drift distance
Time of flight wall    
HTF1X $30^H \times 125^W \times 2^T cm$ 7.5$^W$ cm $\times$ 17-segments, H1949
HTF1Y $30^H \times 125^W \times 2^T cm$ 3.5$^W$ cm $\times$ 9-segments, H1949
HTF2X $35^H \times 170^W \times 2^T cm$ 9.5$^W$ cm $\times$ 18-segments, H1949
Cerenkov counter    
HAC1 $35^H \times 180^W \times 30^T cm$ n = 1.055 hydrophobic aerogel
    16 $\times$ 5" PMT
HAC2 $40^H \times 135^W \times 30^T cm$ n = 1.055 hydrophobic aerogel
    16 $\times$ 5" PMT
HWC1 $35^H \times 180^W \times 3^T cm$ 10$^W$ cm $\times$ 18-segments, H1161
HWC2 $35^H \times 180^W \times 3^T cm$ 10$^W$ cm $\times$ 18-segments, H1161
    Water with wavelength shifter

Detail description of each detector is given in following subsections.

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: HKS drift chambers : Description of the HKS : Description of the HKS
Satoshi N. Nakamura 平成16年12月2日