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: Honeycomb drift chamber : Description of the Enge : Description of the Enge

Enge detector package

The Enge detector package is designed to achieve ($\delta p/p$) = 4 $\times$ 10$^{-4}$ (FWHM) and it consists of drift chamber for tracking and hodoscope array for TOF measurement. Table 12 summarizes the size of each detectors.

表 12: Detectors for the Enge spectrometer
Nomenclature Size Comments
Honeycomb drift chamber
EDC $12^H \times 100^W \times 30^T cm$ xx'uu'xx'vv'xx' 5mm drift (uu',vv' $\pm $30 deg)
EHOD1 $12^H \times 100^W \times 1^T cm$ 4$^W$ cm $\times$ 25-segments, H6612
EHOD2 $12^H \times 100^W \times 1^T cm$ 4$^W$ cm $\times$ 25-segments, H6612
EHOD3 $12^H \times 100^W \times 2^T cm$ 12$^W$ cm $\times$ 1-segment, H1949

Satoshi N. Nakamura 平成16年12月2日