The design of the spectrometer magnets have been intensively discussed in collaboration with the Jlab engineering group. Magnets, power supply for the 210-ton dipole magnet, vacuum chambers are under construction by Mitsubishi Electric Co.
Basic designs for the most of detectors have been also completed and some of the detectors are already under construction among the collaboration institutions. An R&D experiment using electron, pion and proton beams is scheduled to run in December, 2001 at KEK 12-GeV PS.
Based on the experimental requirements, experimental conditions and configuration have been decided as explained in the previous sections. We are constructing the experimental setup to fit whichever the experimental hall, either Hall A or Hall C, Jlab allocates.
In the following sections, the basic design of the spectrometer system, the new configuration of the electron spectrometer, the design, R&D and construction status of the spectrometer magnets and the detector system will be described in more detail.