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Jlab Experiment E01-006: Resonances Spin Structure (RSS)
The experiment was run at Thomas Jefferson National
Facility |

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of the RSS meetings.
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of upcoming conferences
- Proceeding
for talk by Junho Yun at GDH2002.
- Proceeding
for talk by Paul McKee at the Workshop on Testing
QCD through Spin Observables in Nuclear Targets
- Slides
for talk by Frank Wesselmann at 15th
International Spin Physics Symposium, SPIN2002
- Slides
for talk at January 2003 Hall C meeting.
- Proceeding
for talk by Oscar Rondon at NAPP 2003, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
- Report
for JLab 2003 Annual Report.
- Slides
for talk at January 2004 Hall C meeting.
- Slides for
talk by Mahbub Khandaker at DIS2004.
- Slides
for talk by Mark Jones at GDH2004.
- Slides
for talk by Oscar Rondon at the High X workshop 2004.
- Slides for
talk by Frank Wesselmann at
- Slides for
talk by Shige Tajima at January 2005 Hall C meeting.
- Slides for
talk by Mark Jones at Duality05.
- Slides for talk
by Karl Slifer at 2005 User's Meeting.
- Proceedings
(Slides) for talk
by Karl Slifer at Spin-PRAHA-2005.
- Slides for
talk by Shige Tajima at 2005 DNP.
- Slides
for talk by Oscar Rondon at PANIC 2005.
- Slides for
talk by Frank Wesselmann at Spring APS
- Slides for talk
by Shige Tajima at 2006 DIS.
- Slides
for talk by Oscar Rondon at Summer 2007 JLab User's Meeting.
- Slides
for talk by Karl Slifer at Crimea 2007 "New
trends in High Energy Physics" conference.
- Slides
for talk by Karl Slifer at SPIN 2008.
- Slides
for talk by Steve Wood at PANIC 2008.
- Slides
for talk by Oscar Rondon at Spin Structure at Long Distance 2009.
- Slides
for talk by Oscar Rondon at Confinement 9, Madrid, Spain, 2010.
Reports and Run
- Database ( updated 10/14/2004) : Star office database for all runs in RSS
experiment, Text file of run list
for parallel target field on NH3, Text
file of run list for parallel target field on ND3, Text
file of run list for perpendicalur target field on NH3, Text
file of run list for perpendicular target field on ND3.
- Moller : List
of runs,
Report on Moller Measurements, Report on leakage measurements,
Report on Mott measurements
- Hydrogen perpendicular : List
of 4.723 GeV Top target runs, List
of 4.723 GeV Bottom target runs, List
of 4.095 GeV Top target runs, List
of 4.095 GeV Bottom target runs
- Deuterium perpendicular : List
of runs
- Hydrogen parallel : List
of runs
- Deuterium parallel : List
of runs
- Empty: List
empty runs
- Carbon : List
of runs for all settings
- Optics Comparison of
Optics , Report
on optic runs
- Beam position: Note
- BCM calibration. The BCMs were calibrated relative to Faraday cup
in the injector as explained in this procedure.
The gain and offset for the BCMs are given in halog.
Dave Mack estimates a 5% absolute uncertainty mainly due to limitations
of the Faraday cup (see his note).
- Normalized yield for pass3,
- Study
of elastic
asymmetry. PRC
paper. Earlier
- Look at Q2 dependence of ratios ( W vs. Q2,
A1 plot, A2 plot
- Results from CLAS eg1a. Two
lists of tables in Durham database. One is data
integrated 1.1 < Q^2 < 1.64 with beam energies of 2.6 or 4.3 GeV.
The second is data at Q^2 = 1.2 with beam energies of 2.6 or 4.3
- Work on the
dilution factor.
- Work on proton
corrections. Work on
deuteron radiative corrections.
- Plot
of nitrogen correction factor for proton parallel and perpendicular.
Extend W range down to W = 702. Updated Data files on March 23
2007 : Bottom
para, Top para,
Bottom perp,
Top perp.
Should divide the raw asymmetry by the nitrogen correction factor.
- Plot
of nitrogen correction factor for deuteron. Data file
for the deuteron correction with W down to 702 using radiative cross
sections . The two columns in the data file
are W and the nitrogen correction ( using E143 technical run data for
estimate of
P15/P2 and P1/P2). The nitrogen correction using nitrogen correction (
using EST estimate of P15/P2 and P1/P2) is in another file. There
is only one data file since the ratio
P15/P2 and P1/P2 are a constant and do not depend on P2 ( unlike the
proton case where the ratio of P15/P1 depends on P1). This
correction factor ( C1) should be multplied by the proton asymmetry (
not corrected for radiation) and then added to the deuteron asymmetry
before radiative corrections. The correction factor (C2) is estimate to
be 0.999 and has be neglected. Details of the nitrogen correction
for proton and deuteron are given in this report.
- Target
other stuff
in beam composition tables
- List of
- Eric Christy made a comparison with his Monte Carlo for run 43204
was 12C, 1cm raster, central momentum of 3.6 GeV/c and no target field.
43204 comparison plots. Experiment
99-118 comparison plots at similar kinematics. Notes
from Eric on the comparison.
- Directory of old
MC studies
by Hongguo.
- Report
spin asymmetries from Aperp and Apara
- Report
on packing fraction
and dilution factor for NH3
- Report
on the calibration of the target field direction.
- Report on unsmearing the deuteron
asymmetries to get the neutron asymmetries.
- Discussion on the elastic form factor fits used in sum rule calculations
Target documents
Collaboration documents
Hardware documents
Run plans
Shift Schedule
email to entire collaboration
Oscar Rondon (University of Virginia) |
x5560 |
Mark Jones (Jefferson Lab) |
12/c126 x7733 (pager
584-7733) |
Safety and
Information for RSS (E01-006)
- Conduct of Operations (COO) (January 4, 2002)

- Experimental Safety Assessment Document (ESAD) (January 4,

- E01-006 2002 Safety Guidelines

RSS Analysis
- A working version of the replay directory with the source (SRC)
is at /group/e01006/rss_replay . Copy the directory to where you want
do the replay and then exec :"source replayup" before doing any replay.
'As is', the replay is ready for Linux on the ifarm machines. The
is from Aug. 19th, 2002 with the main changes being an updated
code, total energy loss done and the kinematics file is setup ( more
detail in mail archive)
- Updates to first pass
engine to do second pass.
- After second pass realized that a bug in trg_track.f made
the code turn off the field for the parallel. New run through the data
"pass2a" with fixed trk_track.f .
- Changes for pass3
- After pass2a looked at the drift distance plots and realized that
they were bad. The parameter files for the drift time-to-distance maps
had changed from pass1. Changes
to drift
- Put new hdriftmap.param_rss and hdc.param_rss in the
- Mark as junk the following runs 43409-10 ( dipole set wrong),
43342 ( Q3 tripped at end of run), 43307 ( part of calorimeter HV off).
- Modifed /group/e01006/rss_replay/Tests/trackeff.test to remove
the cerenkov from the fideff tests. A cut on the calorimeter is
included in the fideff test.
- In pass2a found that the elastic events peaked at W =938 MeV. MC
showed that the elastic events peak at W=942 ( shift from 938 due to
radiative tail). Sensitivity of W position to scattering angle is -7
MeV/mr, to scattered electron energy is -1.1 and to vertical beam
position -.08%/mm . A change of -0.03 degrees to central angle will
shift W peak 4 MeV, or change central momentum by -.08% or change
vertical positions by 1mm. Since change in angle is the smallest,
decide to change hstheta from 13.15 to 13.12 in
/group/e01006/rss_replay/DBASE/rss.kinematics .
- After introducing a phi dependence to the target field for the
perpendicular orientation, to correct the W vs X' ( vertical angle)
correlation, it was necessary to have a shift in the electron momentum
by 0.42% to have the elastic W peak at 938 MeV. This offset is
arbitrary, becuase it depends are how we introduce the correction to
the W vs X' correlation. This shift was done in the ENGINE by setting
central momentum , hpcentral_offset, to zero for perp target field. For
parallel target field, hpcentral_offset = -0.42% which has been
determined by other experiment in Hall C. For the next pass decide to
set shift by offsetting delta and leaving the hpcentral_offset = -0.42%
for perp target field. To implement change: Commented out the parameter
hdelta_offset in PARAM/gconstants.param.01 and moved hdelta_offset to
DBASE/rss.database . For perp target field runs set hdelta_offset =
- Updated SRC_other/trg_track.f to use B_scale =
5.003/(5.003+abs(B_corr)) instead of B_scale =
- Update INC/hms_data_structures.cmn and SRC_hms/h_ntuple_init.f ,
h_ntuple_keep.f and h_physics.f to calculate kinematics variables
needed for calculation of A1 and A2. See note.
- SRC_hms/h_physics.f changed to use "targloss" for the
energy loss of scattered electron and use "hseloss" for Ebeam -Escat.
Before there was a bug and hseloss was used for both.
- Some info
on submitting batch jobs.
- Info
the HMS
Monte Carlo. Comparisons between MC
and data. Comparison
between models in QFS and previous experiments. Comparison between Peter
Bosted's nuclear model and RSS model. Comparisons of cross sections , R, F2, F1, FL between Eric's
7/2005 model and 3/2006 model for proton inelastic cross section.
- Large-scale Replay using the Jlab BATCH FARM and our super,
do-it-all, easy-as-pie tool batchman is explained here.
- Nice
analysis webpage
for GEN01.