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Comparison between Peter Bosted's nuclear model and RSS QFS model
1. Using the program qfs_new13_solo.f     (which is compile with script ) I calculated the Born cross sections for 4He, 12C, 15N and 27Al for RSS model in the Monte Carlo.
The RSS model included the "scalein" factor equal to 1.1 for all W. Peter calculated the Born cross sections for 4He, 12C, 15N and 27Al with his model. Comparison between the Born cross sections are shown in this plot. The ratio of RSS model cross section to Peter's model cross section is shown in this plot. Peter's model is about 20% lower than RSS model. If we use Peter's model we would have to explain a 20% discrepancy between the MC and our measured yield. Peter suggested that the absolute value of the charge calibration of the BCM is off. But we did a measurement with 12C with no magnet at P_cent = 3.6 at low current and found agreement with the MC at the 3% level.   The 1H elastic comparison finds the ratio of data yield to MC yield = 0.90 for the parallel target field and 0.97 for the perpendicular target field . But Peter finds good agreement of his model with recent X>1 data on nuclei at 18 degrees and beam energy of 5.7. GeV.

2. To check the radiative correction we use the RSS MC, I detemined the ratio of yield for the MC run with radiation effects turned off to the yield for the MC run with radiation turned on for 1H, 4He, 15N and 4He. In addition to the Born cross sections, Peter calculated the radiative cross sections. A plot of the ratio of radiative cross section to
Born cross section  shows that the agreement is fairly good.

3.  Comparison to E99118 data with Peter's model with Peter's model being about 5% lower for W < 2. E99-118 measures 12C cross section at beam energy of 5.648 and scattering angle of 10.566 and 14.556 . The data files for 10.566 and  14.566 with explanation of format in this file. Comparison of Born cross section from Peter's model to the RSS model ( no scalein factor) at the 14.566 kinematics shows that the RSS model is about 12% higher than Peter's model.

4. Ratio is 1.10  for RSS model  Born cross section to Peter's model for 12C at beam energy 5753 GeV, scattered electron energy and angle of 3584 GeV and 13.15 degrees.

5. Comparison of RSS model to preliminary data from Hall C Jan 05 experiment by Oscar.