[As of Mar 2006] Summarized below are NH3 and ND3 DFs extracted in recent months. Also note any change in proton or deuteron model. As far as I can tell, there are no other changes in the MC except for the models. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NH3 DFs: 02/02/06 DFs obtained after QFS routine was slightly updated (sig0 multiplied by a factor 0.92). Eric's model(7/22/2005), QFS(A>2), scalein=1.0, AVG PFs(02/02/2006) were used. NH3 DFs for W<1100 have been replaced with Mark's DFs. 12/22/05 DFs obtained after a bug fix in the MC. AVG of the hi-P and low-P PFs were used as one of the inputs to the MC. Scalein=1.0. Eric's 7/22/2005 model was still used. NH3 DFs for W<1100 have been replaced with Mark's DFs. 10/26/05 DFs obtained using Eric's model (7/22/2005). NH3 DFs for W<1100 have been replaced with Mark's DFs. (NOTE: Eric's model dated 7/28/2005 will NOT be used.) 7/8/05 DFs obtained using Eric's latest model(6/14/2005). NH3 DFs for W<1100 have been replaced with Mark's DFs. (Eric's models dated 5/29 and 5/30 were also available, but they were not used as the new one came out.) 5/19/05 Eric's model (2004) was included in the MC (see Mark's emails on 5/12/2005). NH3 DFs were then extracted for top target only (top para, top perp). Due to disagreement between my results and Mark's, I did not replace my DFs for W<1100 with Mark's. 5/6/05 DFs obtained using Liang's model (see my HP dated 5/5/2005) NH3 DFs for low W (w<1100) have been replaced with Mark's DFs. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ND3 DFs: 12/11/06 DFs are obtained using Peter's QE+Inelastic models. The PFs were obtained on Nov 01. The perp-top DFs were not obtained, 3/02/06 DFs are obtained because the QFS model was updated last Dec. The perp-top DFs have not been obtained, however. 7/8/05 DFs obtained using the updated deuteron model (Hall C model and y-scaling fit). See Oscar's email on 6/9/2005. 4/28/05 DFs using Hall C model ---------------------------------------------------------------------