By the way, I have derived a very general expression for the ratio of dilution factors when the proton cross section is changed by some scale factor: Initial dilution: f = proton/all = proton/(proton + others) so others = all - proton, and all = proton/f New dilution: f' = scale*proton/(scale*proton + others) = scale*proton/(scale*proton + all - proton) = scale*proton/(proton*(scale - 1) + proton/f) = scale*f/(f*(scale - 1) + 1) so f'/f = scale/(f*(scale - 1) + 1). With scale = 1.1 this predicts f'/f = 1.1/(0.146*0.1 + 1) = 1.0842 for our bottom parallel target with average f = 0.146. In this calculation the pf does not change. Shige's result includes the effect of the change in pf required to match the data for the increased proton sigma, but he could easily check if the formula is right by looking just at the MC output when only the proton sigma changes. A similar formula for packing fraction changes is f'/f = 1/(scale + (He/(pf*proton))*(1-scale)*f), where scale is now pf' = scale*pf, but it is model dependent on the cross sections He/proton = (rho_He*sigma_He/M_He)/(rho_proton*3*sigma_proton/M_NH3) ~ 0.95, if sigma_He = 4*sigma_p. Cheers, Oscar