Run Coordinator Responsibilities
The Run Coordinator is the immediate on site manager of the experiment and is responsible for ensuring that the physics goals of the experiment are met. This individual is designated by the experiment spokespersons and approved by the Hall Leader. The Run Coordinator shall ensure that the Hall Group Leader, Physics Division Liaison, and at least one spokesperson are aware of all pertinent issues. The Run Coordinator shall promote an environment in which the highest safety standards are maintained.
According to the experiment Conduct of Operations document, the Run Coordinator has the following responsibilities:
Manage Daily Operations
- ensure that the run plan is clear to the shift workers
- define the data quality appropriate for the goals of each shift
- track the progress of the experiment
- coordinate and schedule activities in order to optimize productivity (e.g. hall access)
- ensure that the experiment checklist is completed every 24 hrs during standby shifts
- ensure that the experiment run sheets are filled for each run taken
Coordinate Communications
- remain in the local area and be available by cell phone/pager at all times (or arrange for a qualified substitute)
- inform the program deputy of the experiment status and plans
(7:45am meeting in the MCC control room on weekdays and as arranged on weekends and holidays -- usually by phone between 8am and 9am) - to ensure that the Hall C Group Leader and Experiment Spokespeople are aware of
all necessary issues. - to coordinate with the various system leaders (BETA detector, polarized target,
beam polarimeter, data acquisition, and data analysis) and schedule activities
such as Moller runs, target anneals, thermal equilibrium measurements and Hall
accesses to optimize productivity. - informing the Program Deputy of the experiment's status and plans at a 7:45 AM
meeting in the MCC during the working week, and at an agreed upon time on
weekends or holidays. - to maintain the "Access Authorization List" (a list of individuals who are to be allowed entry
to Hall C when the Hall is in Controlled Access or during maintenance) and ensure that MCC
has an up to date list. - in conjunction with the Hall Work Coordinator, scheduling work by groups outside the collaboration.
This work will normally coincide with the scheduled machine maintenance days. This coordination
requires a weekly meeting of these two individuals. The product of this meeting will include any
necessary updates to the "Access Authorization List". - to act as the single point of contact for Unlisted Workers (workers not on the "Access Authorization List")
who need access to the Hall and to determine if the Hall is in a state such that the work can be done safely.
The Run Coordinator shall inform the shift leader on duty of the workers scheduled arrival and discuss the
impact of the scheduled work with the Target Coordinator. - to serve as the only person who can authorize work by anyone on the lower target platform; this should be
done in consultation with the Target Coordinator. - to be responsible for safe transition of the Hall to Restricted Access.
- interact with accelerator program deputy to plan and conduct unscheduled activities
- represent the collaboration at the 8:00am meeting in the MCC conference room on weekdays
- represent the collaboration at the scheduling meeting at 1:30pm on Wednesdays in the MCC conference room and report on the preceeding week
(the report is filled online using the beam statistics obtained here and presented verbally; the week begins and ends Tuesday morning) - submit a written report to the hall leader which includes run time statistics and a description of significant problems with the hall instrumentation
(customarily in the form of a weekly RC summary in the hclog) - present weekly summary to Hall C community in weekly Hall C meeting (Mondays at 3pm)