macro deadtime run=1 *Read chargetemp.dat including tot_scaler=gscaler_change(510) and fill ntuple 9 nt/cr 9 'Scaler_information' 14 ! ! event ch2s tch tch_p ch2s_p tch_m ch2s_m p_scaler p_trig dtime_p n_scaler n_trig dtime_n t_scaler nt/read 9 replay/[run].dat zone 2 2 opt stat nt/pl 9.n_trig%n_scaler nt/pl 9.n_trig nt/pl 9.p_trig%p_scaler nt/pl 9.p_trig pic/prin [run]_trig_scalers.gif zone 1 1 wait zone 1 2 nt/pl 9.ch2s_m nt/pl 9.ch2s_p pic/prin [run]_ch2s.gif zone 1 1 wait opt nstat *Scan coefficients to find best fit close to negative helicity case nstep=200 stepsize=0.0001 coeff=0.980 first_coeff=[coeff] final_coeff=[coeff]+[stepsize]*([nstep]-1) min_trig=0 max_trig=400 min_scal=300.5 max_scal=350.5 *72795 *min_trig=0 *max_trig=1200 *min_scal=1080.5 *max_scal=1200.5 *73014 *min_trig=250 *max_trig=350 *min_trig=0 *max_trig=600 *min_scal=300.5 *max_scal=350.5 *min_scal=1000.5 *max_scal=1200.5 nbin=[max_scal]-[min_scal] mess Scanning coefficients from [coeff] to [final_coeff] *mess Fitting [min_trig] < Observed_event_for_2s < [max_trig] mess Fitting [min_scal] < Recorded_event_for_2s < [max_scal] opt fit prof 91 'n_trig vs n_scaler' [nbin] [min_scal] [max_scal] [min_trig] [max_trig] cut $1 nt/proj 91 9.n_trig%n_scaler $1 *abs(ch2s_m-0.070).lt.0.005 *[min_trig][max_trig] *abs(n_scaler*0.87218+14.754-n_trig).lt.20 v/cr n_pattern(2) r hi/fit 91 p1 ! 2 n_pattern pic/prin [run]_n_fit.gif v/cr n_x([nbin]) r get/abs 91 n_x m=n_pattern(2) n=n_pattern(1) sigma fitline = [m]*n_x+[n] v/cr p_y([nbin]) r v/cr p_yer([nbin]) r get/con 91 p_y get/err 91 p_yer chi2=0. nsample=0 do j=1,[nbin] y_obs=p_y([j]) y_exp=fitline([j]) sig=p_yer([j]) if ([y_obs].ne.0) then chi2=[chi2]+([y_obs]-[y_exp])*([y_obs]-[y_exp])/([sig]*[sig]) nsample=[nsample]+1 endif enddo chi2_N=[chi2]/([nsample]-2) mess chi2 = [chi2], N+2=[nsample], chi2/N=[chi2_N] *sample=340 *refvalue=[sample]*n_pattern(2)+n_pattern(1) *mess n_trig = [refvalue] at n_scaler = [sample] wait v/cr coeff_list([nstep]) r v/cr par1([nstep]) r v/cr par2([nstep]) r v/cr chi2_ndf([nstep]) r do i=1,[nstep] *Get fitting parameters of reconstructed positive helicity scaler prof 92 'p_trig vs p_scaler(recon.)' [nbin] [min_scal] [max_scal] [min_trig] [max_trig] cut $2 ([coeff]*t_scaler-n_scaler).gt.0.and.(n_trig/([coeff]*t_scaler-n_scaler)).gt.0.8 nt/proj 92 9.p_trig%([coeff]*t_scaler-n_scaler) $2 *abs(ch2s_p-0.070).lt.0.005 *[min_trig][max_trig] v/cr p_pattern(2) r hi/fit 92 p1 'Q' 2 p_pattern v/input coeff_list([i]) [coeff] v/input par1([i]) p_pattern(1) v/input par2([i]) p_pattern(2) v/cr p_y([nbin]) r v/cr p_y_er([nbin]) r get/con 92 p_y get/err 92 p_y_er chi2=0. nsample=0 do j=1,[nbin] y_obs=p_y([j]) y_exp=fitline([j]) sig=p_y_er([j]) if ([y_obs].ne.0) then chi2=[chi2]+([y_obs]-[y_exp])*([y_obs]-[y_exp])/([sig]*[sig]) nsample=[nsample]+1 endif enddo chi2_N=[chi2]/([nsample]-2) *v/prin p_y *mess nsample=[nsample] chi2_N=[chi2_N] v/input chi2_ndf([i]) [chi2_N] coeff=[coeff]+[stepsize] enddo *Integrate |hel_p_fitting_line-hel_n_fitting_line| to get area between them m=n_pattern(2) n=n_pattern(1) v/cr area_ns([nstep]) r v/cr chi2Dndf([nstep]) r do i=1,[nstep] a=par2([i]) b=par1([i]) interx=([n]-[b])/([a]-[m]) if ([interx].gt.[min_scal]).and.([interx].lt.[max_scal]) then area1=0.5*([a]-[m])*([interx]*[interx]-[min_scal]*[min_scal])+([b]-[n])*([interx]-[min_scal]) area2=0.5*([a]-[m])*([max_scal]*[max_scal]-[interx]*[interx])+([b]-[n])*([max_scal]-[interx]) area=[area1]-[area2] else area=0.5*([a]-[m])*([max_scal]*[max_scal]-[min_scal]*[min_scal])+([b]-[n])*([max_scal]-[min_scal]) *area=1000. endif v/input area_ns([i]) [area] *mess [min_scal],[interx],[max_scal] *mess [a]x+[b] and [m]x+[n] *mess area = [area] chi2=0. do j=[min_scal],[max_scal] p_fit=[a]*[j]+[b] n_fit=[m]*[j]+[n] chi2=[chi2]+([p_fit]-[n_fit])*([p_fit]-[n_fit])/[n_fit] enddo chi2_N=[chi2]/([nbin]-2) v/input chi2Dndf([i]) [chi2_N] enddo sigma area_s = abs(area_ns) *v/prin area_s *wait *sigma diff_np = par1 + par2*[sample] - [refvalue] graph/hpl/null [first_coeff] [final_coeff] 0. 1000 graph/hpl/sym coeff_list area_s [nstep] 24 0.2 graph/hpl/atitle 'Coefficient' 'Area between two fitting lines' pic/prin [run]_area.gif wait graph/hpl/null [first_coeff] [final_coeff] 0. 0.01 graph/hpl/sym coeff_list chi2Dndf [nstep] 24 0.1 graph/hpl/atitle 'Coefficient' 'Chi2/ndf of two fitting lines' pic/prin [run]_chi2_np_fit.gif wait graph/hpl/null [first_coeff] [final_coeff] 0. 10. graph/hpl/sym coeff_list chi2_ndf [nstep] 24 0.1 graph/hpl/atitle 'Coefficient' 'Chi2/ndf of p data with n fit' pic/prin [run]_chi2_n_fit_with_p.gif