The shift crew tasks are: - warn Cherenkov, Tracker and Lucite experts to turn their HV OFF, 200 nA to 1 muA beam is coming - use 2 cm Slow Raster diameter and 1x1 mm Fast raster; - ask for 200 nA to establish that the CH2 target is correctly vertically centered in the beam, and the beam is correctly horizontally centered on the target - try first 500 nA to see if BigCal- HMS coincidence rates look OK, then ask for 1 muA. - follow the steps on the run plan table AND on the spreadsheet. IMPORTANT: It is assumed that activities # 200, 201 and 202 have been COMPLETED already. If not, complete them first. If yes, the first step is 203: ask for 1 muA. To use the spreadsheet: - log on as cdaq to cdqal1 and cd to ~/sane08/run_plans/ - start OpenOffice on cdaql1 by typing: soffice elcal_new4-gh-2.ods & - read the instructions on the first page and use crtl-page down or the mouse to go to the Tasks page. - enter the actual duration of each activity (format HH:MM) and enter 100 in the appropriate column. - record the run numbers and activity descriptions on the paper run sheets in their binder. - the spreadsheet is set to be autosaved every 15 min. Answer "Yes" to any prompt about saving. It is OK to save at random intervals, too.