use guide (this file: beamcount.txt) The file is located on jeffylab under ~cvxwrks/ArchiveAnalyze/yariv/. Usage: Simply run ./ and enter the start and end times in this format: year/month/day hour:minute:second.second Hour should be in 24 hours format (no am/pm). To get hourly statistics, run ./beamcount -d. Output: You get the amount of charge that passed through the target, the number of electrons that passed through it (which is that number divided by the charge of an electron), the number of times the beam was off, and the total time the beam was off. If you run with -d, you also get each of these numbers for each hour starting from your start time. Code notes: There are three constants defined: $e - charge of an electron, to convert between charge and the number of electrons. $beam_units - this is to represent the data being in nanoamperes. $beam_off - the current under which the beam is considered off. The script reads from the ibcm1 channel.