This file: cdaq@cdaqs1:~/gen/Documents/leakage.txt Marko Zeier Nov 01 To measure beam current leakage from Hall A we measure HMS pretrigger rates for three different situations: A: Hall C and Hall A laser on, nominal currents (normal operation) B: Hall C laser off, nominal Hall A current, C: C slit closed (background measurement) leakage = (B-C)/(A-C) Mesurement of HMS rates: 1) open xterm as cdaq on cdaqs1 2) type in xterm: cd gen/tcl 3) type in xterm: ./ [] 4) to end script use: Ctrl-C The script reads HMS rates via a scaler server and beam currents from epics every two seconds. Normally you don't need to start a run for that. It averages HMS rates and currents over the last reads (default is 10). The screen out put is also written to a file: record_leakage.out It gets overwritten every time you restart the script. In an hclog entry write down the rates and beam currents for the three situations and the leakage. Quote errors. If the leakage is significantly larger than 1% ask the operators to reduce it. Troubles: ========= "CLOCK IS NOT RUNNING" indicates that the scaler server is not updating. It probably got turned off by the DAQ. Just start a run. If this doesn't help reboot ROC9.