This file: ~cdaq/gen01/Documents/moller_howto.txt Initial draft: B. Zihlmann, Aug 2001 Updates: M. Zeier, Sep 2001 GEn01 How to do a moller run ---------------------- 0.0) setup all GUI's needed for moller run these are supposed to be allready there in the moller work space on the x-term above the cdaqs3 terminal. 0.1) check He level in the moller solenoid If closed open the fill valve (E91017) to 10% and then after a while stepwise to 20%, where it stays during the whole moller run. Valve EV91015 stays at 21% always. Nitrogen should be on PID. 1.0) check that the collimators are at the right place the correct positions must me determined experimentally once for each energy. Howard Fenker uses the monte carlo (MC) to get good starting values for the quadrupole currents and collimator settings which in turn need to be optimized in the first moller run. 1.1) Polarized Target: Move carbon target or empty target into position 1.2) Turn off slow raster. 1.1) set solenoid to STANDBAY (SDBY) in the meantime this will turn on the heater so the solenoid will be ready to ramp up. 2.0) Ask MCC to tune for moller: this means CENTER BEAM AT 3C16, 3C17 AND 3C18 IN X AND Y TO ZERO +- 0.5MM. usually the beam is centered very well at 3C16 and 3C18 while it is slightly off at 3C17 by +0.5mm in x and y. (Corrector 3H01H needs to be used for that) 2.2) turn on Power Supply PS for Q2 (but 0 current!) and enable the alarm of moller Q2 (same pannel as HMS, SOS) 2.1) ramp up moller solenoid to 3 Tesla (press "go set") This will steer the beam horizontally positive by about 4mm and vertically positive by about 1.5mm at 3C18 2.2) ask MCC to steer beam back to zero in x/y at 3C18 keeping position fixed at zero at 3C16/17 2.3) ramp up small quadrupole. For the 2.33GeV beam this is 136 Amps and will steer the beam vetically negative by 2mm and horizontally by -1mm. To ramp the magnet the fields "ramp down" and "peak current" can't be empty or 0. peak current: 150 ramp down (A/sec): 30 A nonzero value in the current readback does not necessarily mean that the magnet is powered. 2.4) ask MCC to steer beam back to zero in x/y at 3C18 keeping position fixed at zero at 3C16/17 2.5) ramp up big quadrupole (Q2) to field. In the case of 2.33 GeV beam energy this is 360.6Amps. This should not move the beam at 3C18 vertically and only very small horizontally (~0.5-1.0mm). if the beam moves much more the tune is bad. 3.0 turn off beam and move in moller target (pos #2 = 10um foil) 3.1 turn beam on again and check rates (visual scaler in moller electronics): Typical values for 10um foil and 100nA: L single: 60k R single: 130k Coin: 4k Acc: 60 4.0) setup DAQ for moller run (configure for run type moller) 4.2) take data at 100 nA typically 100000 events for a ~1% absolute statistical error. 5.0) the runs are analyzed in the directory ~cdaq/moller/anal/e93026/ the program is called "replaynt" 5.1) the results of the run are writen so file and screen. the value with accidental background subtracted is the correct figure for the polarization. 5.2) a kumac from Howard mscan.kumac can be used to scan through the most important moller spectras. a) check that the threshold in the discrimnators does not cut into moller peak in the ADC spectra b) check that the ridge in the 2dim. spectra of the hodosocpes is on the diagonal c) check that the projection of this diagonal looks parabolic with the minium in the center. best results are optaned by looking at the multiple hits spectrum repeat 4.1 and 5 after run is over: -turn off beam -retract target -ramp down magnets -close He fill valve -ask MCC to retune beam to previous settings Expert: Howard Fenker office: 7431 pager: 820-9799 cell: 890-9512