SEM - HOW TO M. Zeier October 25, 2001 ============ This file: ~cdaq/gen/Documents/tbpm_guide_Q2=1.txt Modes ===== EVENT mode: The beam position is determined for each event and the output voltages are acquired in an ADC. To determine the beam profile/position the run needs to be analyzed. STATIC mode: The following average values of the beam are determined: x centroid, y centroid, x diameter and y diameter These values are updated after each helicity period. The values get stored in scalers via V to f converters. The information is also available on the TBPM-SMU Remote Display to the left of the Online Replay Terminal. The display gets updated only every few seconds. The standard mode during production is EVENT mode mode. STATIC mode can be turned on to quickly check beam position during tune up. Operation ========= The SEM electronics is down in the hall can be turned on remotely in the electronics room. There are two cards in the bottom NIM bin of rack CH03B19. It is important to turn on the SMU unit first, otherwise the NIM bin will trip. The SMU card has a switch to chose between EVENT mode and STATIC mode. The EVENT electronics needs to be on for either operation while the STATIC electronics can be off for EVENT mode. In case of weird behaviour stop the run and power-cycle both electronics. Documentation ============= More detailed information can be found in the black binder (TBPM/SEM User's manual) to the upper left of the Online Replay terminal, above the TBPM-SMU Remote Display unit. Even more detailed information can be found in the two grey binders (Design Documentation) on the wooden book shelf. Experts ======= Marko Zeier