When you don't want these links, you can also select [Search(Simple form)] button. It will list runs in text mode.
You can also put two numbers in order. It means the range of variable.
Ex) HMS P(GeV) : 2.1 3.5
It will find run such that 2.1 <= HMS_P <= 3.5
You can specify error by the number after comma(,). If you add % mark, that means percentage error.
Ex) HMS P(GeV) : 2.2,0.3
It will find run such that 2.2-0.3 <= HMS_P <= 2.2+0.3
Ex) HMS P(GeV) : 2.2,30%
It will find run such that 2.2(1-30/100) <= HMS_P <= 2.2(1+30/100)
Hoyoung Kang(Seoul National University, Korea)