• Full search or simple form search
  • After you input queries, click [Search] button. It will show you every run that satisfies the options you select.
    If you click a run number from that list, coressponding logbook will be shown up, focused on the run number you click, highlighted start/end of the run, and shift summaries. You can also directly open original logbook, end of the run log, and nearby shift summary using menu following the run-start log. You can also click [Start] and [End] from search result. They are linked to the start log and the end log respectively.

    When you don't want these links, you can also select [Search(Simple form)] button. It will list runs in text mode.

  • Select from drop-down list
  • Select exactly what you want from the drop-down list(Target, Energy, etc.) If you don't select anything and leave it in [Select] state, the search engine ignores that condition.
    (Update)You may select [NH3] in [Target] to search every NH3 run regardless of NH3 Top or bottom.

  • Input number with or without range
  • You can specify condition like Current or HMS theta. If you input a number (other than 0) directly into the textbox, the search engine will find runs have exactly the same number you input.
    Ex) HMS P(GeV) : 2.2
    It will find run of which HMS momentum is exactly 2.2 GeV.

    You can also put two numbers in order. It means the range of variable.
    Ex) HMS P(GeV) : 2.1 3.5
    It will find run such that 2.1 <= HMS_P <= 3.5

    You can specify error by the number after comma(,). If you add % mark, that means percentage error.
    Ex) HMS P(GeV) : 2.2,0.3
    It will find run such that 2.2-0.3 <= HMS_P <= 2.2+0.3
    Ex) HMS P(GeV) : 2.2,30%
    It will find run such that 2.2(1-30/100) <= HMS_P <= 2.2(1+30/100)

  • Search comment and raster info
  • You can search comment by putting word in the bottom box. It will search run with comment containing the word. If you select Slow Raster [Off] or [Select], the engine ignores SR Size query.

  • (Update)Showing option in result
  • You may let a column appear/disappear in the result. If you (un)check the checkbox ahead of an item, it will be (not) shown in the search results. (The checkbox of [HMS Quality] decides both of HMS and BETA quality appearing. That of [Comment] sets Half wave plate, Raster information, and comment itself.)
    You can also use buttons of [Check All], [Uncheck All], and [Essentials Only]. They make checkboxes (un)checked as their names. [Essentials Only] unchecks all of the trivial items, such as [current] and [field], as they are almost same for production runs. If your web browser doesn't support Javascipt(of Sun Microsystems), these functions may not work.

  • Comment or bug
  • If you have any question or comment, please let me know. If you find bug, also report me please.

    Hoyoung Kang(Seoul National University, Korea)