events = 592046 foundclust = 510581 anymax = 520826 monte carlo? = 0 Cluster Finding Efficiency: clusters found/clusters expected = 98.94 % Reasons for not finding clusters: Maximum at edge = 4751 Not enough cells in cluster = 6178 Cluster too long in x (horizontal) direction = 12 Cluster too long in y (vertical) direction = 7 Cluster energy sum below (software) threshold = 4067 Cluster energy sum above (software) maximum = 0 Second maximum found in cluster = 0 Cell cuts used for analysis: Protvino (3.8 x 3.8 x 45 cm^3 lead-glass blocks): Cut = 3.000 MeV RCS (4.0 x 4.0 x 40 cm^3 lead-glass blocks): Cut = 3.000 MeV Note: --"Expected" cluster means a good maximum was found at least one row and column away from the edge blocks of the calorimeter. --Minimum energy for "good" maximum = 50.00 MeV --Minimum number of cells in cluster = 2 --Maximum length in cells in x direction = 5 --Maximum length in cells in y direction = 5 --Minimum cluster energy = 150.00 MeV --Maximum cluster energy = 5000.00 GeV --Second max means cell with second-highest amplitude was displaced from max by more than one cell in x or y