SUBROUTINE h_track_tests * * Derek made this in Mar 1996 * * This routine delivers some handy tracking information. It's divided * into three parts. The first part looks at the chambers and their * efficiency. The second part defines some scintillator tests to determine * whether the chambers should have fired. The last part puts this info * into different files. Also, if you want to look at the stub tests you * you can uncomment some lines in h_link_stubs.f to get that output. * A final note. Many of these tests have similar counterparts in * trackeff.test; if you change something here, make sure it agrees with the * the tests there!! * * $Log: h_track_tests.f,v $ * Revision 1.4 2005/11/15 18:39:18 jones * 1) Eliminate statements which checked if scintillator hits * where outside "good" region. * 2) Eliminate check that front and back hodoscope hits * near each other. * 3) These changes eliminate a bias in the routine in favor * of one-track events which gives wrong tracking efficiency * at high rates. * ( T.Horn, M.E. Christy, D. Gaskell) * * Revision 1.3 2002/09/26 14:50:10 jones * Add variables sweet1xscin,sweet1yscin,sweet2xscin,sweet2yscin * which record which scint got hit inside the defined scint region * Then hgoodscinhits is set to zero if front and back hodoscopes * are abs(sweet1xscin-sweet2xscin).gt.3 or bs(sweet1yscin-sweet2yscin).gt.2 * * Revision 1.2 1996/09/04 13:39:02 saw * (JRA) Treat logicals as logicals * * Revision 1.1 1996/05/01 20:24:29 saw * Initial revision * IMPLICIT NONE SAVE character*50 here parameter (here= 'H_TRACK_TESTS') * logical ABORT * character*(*) err * integer*4 ierr * character*5 line_err * INCLUDE 'hms_data_structures.cmn' INCLUDE 'coin_data_structures.cmn' INCLUDE 'gen_constants.par' INCLUDE 'hms_tracking.cmn' INCLUDE 'gen_units.par' INCLUDE 'gen_event_info.cmn' INCLUDE 'hms_scin_tof.cmn' INCLUDE 'hms_scin_parms.cmn' INCLUDE 'hms_calorimeter.cmn' include 'hms_bypass_switches.cmn' integer planetemp real*4 htestbeta integer txth,txthp,txthps,txthpss,txtft,txtct integer i,j,count integer testsum integer hhitsweet1x,hhitsweet1y,hhitsweet2x,hhitsweet2y integer sweet1xscin,sweet1yscin,sweet2xscin,sweet2yscin real*4 lastcointime real*4 thiscointime *In c_keep_results, the cointime is updated depending on tracking information *Because we're independent of tracking here, we have to do some tricks to *update the cointime. We set cointime=100.0 if the code hasn't updated it (ie, *it's the same as the previous event...) First, if it's not a coincidence *event, we just set the cointime to zero. thiscointime=0.0 if (gen_event_type.eq.3) then thiscointime=ccointime_hms if (thiscointime.eq.lastcointime) then thiscointime=100.0 endif lastcointime=ccointime_hms endif *this next file prints out events the fail to track and why. You can then *look at them with the event display to see if they're worrisome. If you *uncomment this line, be sure to uncomment the close statement at the end *of this file! if (hbypass_track_eff_files.eq.0) then open(unit=12,file='scalers/htrackeff.txt',status='unknown', $ access='append') endif *this next file outputs a huge ascii file with many tracking parameters. It *is intended for use with physica. The order of the ouput is given in the write *statement at the end of this file. I fyou uncomment this line, be sure to *uncomment the close statement at the end of this file! if (hbypass_track_eff_files.eq.0) then open(unit=14,file='scalers/htrack.out',status='unknown', $ access='append') endif *we start by looking at the chambers. First, we look to see if each plane fired h1hit1 = (HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(1).GE.1) h1hit2 = (HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(2).GE.1) h1hit3 = (HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(3).GE.1) h1hit4 = (HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(4).GE.1) h1hit5 = (HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(5).GE.1) h1hit6 = (HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(6).GE.1) h1hit7 = (HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(7).GE.1) h1hit8 = (HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(8).GE.1) h1hit9 = (HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(9).GE.1) h1hit10 = (HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(10).GE.1) h1hit11 = (HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(11).GE.1) h1hit12 = (HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(12).GE.1) *next, we see how many hits per plane there were ... hnumhit1 = HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(1) hnumhit2 = HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(2) hnumhit3 = HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(3) hnumhit4 = HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(4) hnumhit5 = HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(5) hnumhit6 = HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(6) hnumhit7 = HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(7) hnumhit8 = HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(8) hnumhit9 = HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(9) hnumhit10 = HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(10) hnumhit11 = HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(11) hnumhit12 = HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(12) hnumhits1 = HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(1) + HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(2) + $ HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(3) + HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(4) + $ HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(5) + HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(6) hnumhits2 = HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(7) + HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(8) + $ HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(9) + HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(10) + $ HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(11) + HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(12) *next we check to see if we have fewer than the max allowed hits per chamber *this number should agree with the value in trackeff.test. h1hitslt = hnumhits1.LE.hmax_pr_hits(1) h2hitslt = hnumhits2.LE.hmax_pr_hits(2) *next we check to see if we have the minimum number of planes per chamber *this number should agree with the value in trackeff.test. planetemp = 0 if(HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(1).GE.1) planetemp = planetemp+1 if(HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(2).GE.1) planetemp = planetemp+1 if(HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(3).GE.1) planetemp = planetemp+1 if(HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(4).GE.1) planetemp = planetemp+1 if(HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(5).GE.1) planetemp = planetemp+1 if(HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(6).GE.1) planetemp = planetemp+1 hnumplanes1 = planetemp planetemp = 0 if(HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(7).GE.1) planetemp = planetemp+1 if(HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(8).GE.1) planetemp = planetemp+1 if(HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(9).GE.1) planetemp = planetemp+1 if(HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(10).GE.1) planetemp = planetemp+1 if(HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(11).GE.1) planetemp = planetemp+1 if(HDC_HITS_PER_PLANE(12).GE.1) planetemp = planetemp+1 hnumplanes2 = planetemp h1planesgt = hnumplanes1.GE.hmin_hit(1) h2planesgt = hnumplanes2.GE.hmin_hit(2) *we now fill in the chamber part of the track tests. hfoundtrack = (hntracks_fp.NE.0) if (hfoundtrack) then htestbeta=hsbeta else htestbeta=0.0 endif hcleantrack = (hsnum_fptrack.NE.0) *hhitslt is less than max allowed hits in both chambers hhitslt = h1hitslt.AND.h2hitslt *hplanesgt is at least the minimum number of planes fired per chamber hplanesgt = h1planesgt.AND.h2planesgt *hspacepoints is finding at least one space point in both chambers hspacepoints = ((hnspace_points(1).GE.1).AND.(hnspace_points(2).GE.1)) *hstublt is passing the stub criteria for at least one spacepoint in both chambers hstublt = ( *hhitsplanes is passing not too many hits and not too few planes hhitsplanes = hhitslt.AND.hplanesgt *hhitsplanes is that and finding a spacepoint hhitsplanessps = hhitsplanes.AND.hspacepoints *hhitsplanesspsstubs is that and passing the stub tests hhitsplanesspsstubs = hhitsplanessps.AND.hstublt *fXhspacepoints is pasisng htis and planes but failing to find a space point f1hspacepoints = h1hitslt.AND.h1planesgt.AND.(hnspace_points(1).EQ.0) f2hspacepoints = h2hitslt.AND.h2planesgt.AND.(hnspace_points(2).EQ.0) fhspacepoints = f1hspacepoints.OR.f2hspacepoints htest1 = (hhitsplanes.AND.(.not.hspacepoints)) htest2 = (hspacepoints.AND.(.not.hstublt)) ************************now look at some hodoscope tests *second, we move the scintillators. here we use scintillator cuts to see *if a track should have been found. hnumscins1 = hscin_hits_per_plane(1) hnumscins2 = hscin_hits_per_plane(2) hnumscins3 = hscin_hits_per_plane(3) hnumscins4 = hscin_hits_per_plane(4) *first, fill the arrays of which scins were hit do i=1,4 do j=1,hscin_1x_nr hscinhit(i,j)=0 enddo enddo do i=1,hscin_tot_hits hscinhit(hscin_plane_num(i),hscin_counter_num(i))=1 enddo *next, look for clusters of hits in a scin plane. a cluster is a group of *adjacent scintillator hits separated by a non-firing scintillator. *Wwe count the number of three adjacent scintillators too. (A signle track *shouldn't fire three adjacent scintillators. do i=1,hnum_scin_planes hnclust(i)=0 hthreescin(i)=0 enddo *look for clusters in x planes... (16 scins) !this assume both x planes have same *number of scintillators. do j=1,3,2 count=0 if (hscinhit(j,1).EQ.1) count=count+1 do i=1,(hscin_1x_nr-1) !look for number of clusters of 1 or more hits if ((hscinhit(j,i).EQ.0).AND.(hscinhit(j,i+1).EQ.1)) count=count+1 enddo hnclust(j)=count count=0 do i=1,(hscin_1x_nr-2) !look for three or more adjacent hits if ((hscinhit(j,i).EQ.1).AND.(hscinhit(j,i+1).EQ.1).AND. $ (hscinhit(j,i+2).EQ.1)) count=count+1 enddo if (count.GT.0) hthreescin(j)=1 enddo *look for clusters in y planes... (10 scins) !this assume both y planes have same *number of scintillators. do j=2,4,2 count=0 if (hscinhit(j,1).EQ.1) count=count+1 do i=1,(hscin_1y_nr-1) !look for number of clusters of 1 or more hits if ((hscinhit(j,i).EQ.0).AND.(hscinhit(j,i+1).EQ.1)) count=count+1 enddo hnclust(j)=count count=0 do i=1,(hscin_1y_nr-2) !look for three or more adjacent hits if ((hscinhit(j,i).EQ.1).AND.(hscinhit(j,i+1).EQ.1).AND. $ (hscinhit(j,i+2).EQ.1)) count=count+1 enddo if (count.GT.0) hthreescin(j)=1 enddo *now put some "tracking" like cuts on the hslopes, based only on scins... *by "slope" here, I mean the difference in the position of scin hits in two *like-planes. For example, a track that those great straight through will *have a slope of zero. If it moves one scin over from s1x to s2x it has an *x-slope of 1... I pick the minimum slope if there are multiple scin hits. hbestxpscin=100 hbestypscin=100 do i=1,hscin_1x_nr do j=1,hscin_1x_nr if ((hscinhit(1,i).EQ.1).AND.(hscinhit(3,j).EQ.1)) then hslope=abs(i-j) if (hslope.LT.hbestxpscin) hbestxpscin=hslope endif enddo enddo do i=1,hscin_1y_nr do j=1,hscin_1y_nr if ((hscinhit(2,i).EQ.1).AND.(hscinhit(4,j).EQ.1)) then hslope=abs(i-j) if (hslope.LT.hbestypscin) hbestypscin=hslope endif enddo enddo *next we mask out the edge scintillators, and look at triggers that happened *at the center of the acceptance. To change which scins are in the mask *change the values of h*loscin and h*hiscin in htracking.param hhitsweet1x=0 hhitsweet1y=0 hhitsweet2x=0 hhitsweet2y=0 hgoodscinhits=0 do i=hxloscin(1),hxhiscin(1) hgoodscinhits_x(i)=0 enddo *first x plane. first see if there are hits inside the scin region do i=hxloscin(1),hxhiscin(1) if (hscinhit(1,i).EQ.1) then hhitsweet1x=1 sweet1xscin=i endif enddo *second x plane. first see if there are hits inside the scin region do i=hxloscin(2),hxhiscin(2) if (hscinhit(3,i).EQ.1) then hhitsweet2x=1 sweet2xscin=i endif enddo *first y plane. first see if there are hits inside the scin region do i=hyloscin(1),hyhiscin(1) if (hscinhit(2,i).EQ.1) then hhitsweet1y=1 sweet1yscin=i endif enddo *second y plane. first see if there are hits inside the scin region do i=hyloscin(2),hyhiscin(2) if (hscinhit(4,i).EQ.1) then hhitsweet2y=1 sweet2yscin=i endif enddo testsum=hhitsweet1x+hhitsweet1y+hhitsweet2x+hhitsweet2y * now define a 3/4 or 4/4 trigger of only good scintillators the value * is specified in htracking.param... if (testsum.GE.htrack_eff_test_num_scin_planes) then hgoodscinhits=1 do i=hxloscin(1),hxhiscin(1) if (sweet1xscin.EQ.i) then hgoodscinhits_x(i)=1 c write(*,*) 'i,hgood',i,hgoodscinhits_x(i) endif enddo endif * require front/back hodoscopes be close to each other if (hgoodscinhits.eq.1 .and. htrack_eff_test_num_scin_planes.eq.4) then if (abs(sweet1xscin-sweet2xscin).gt.3) hgoodscinhits=0 if (abs(sweet1yscin-sweet2yscin).gt.2) hgoodscinhits=0 endif ******************************************************************************* * Here's where we start writing to the files. Uncomment these lines and * the corresponding file open and close lines at the beginning and end * of this file if you want this output. the scaler report should take * care of most people though... * if (hbypass_track_eff_files.eq.0) then if (hgoodscinhits.EQ.1) then write(12,*) 'sweet spot hit, event number ',gen_event_ID_number endif if (.not.hhitslt) then write(12,*) 'too many hits, event number ',gen_event_ID_number endif if (.not.hplanesgt) then write(12,*) 'too few planes event number ', $ gen_event_ID_number endif if (hhitsplanes.AND.(.not.hspacepoints)) then write(12,*) 'p hits/planes, f sp # = ',gen_event_ID_number endif if ((.not.hfoundtrack).AND.hhitsplanessps) then write(12,*) 'p hits/planes/sps, f track # = ',gen_event_ID_number endif if (hspacepoints.AND.(.not.hstublt)) then write(12,*) 'p sp, f stubs # = ',gen_event_ID_number endif endif *the rest of this file prepares the output of htrack.out. If you're not *writing to that file, don't worry about this. if (hbypass_track_eff_files.eq.0) then txth=0 if (hhitslt) txth=1 txthp=0 if (hhitsplanes) txthp=1 txthps=0 if (hhitsplanessps) txthps=1 txthpss=0 if (hhitsplanesspsstubs) txthpss=1 txtft=0 if (hfoundtrack) txtft=1 txtct=0 if (hcleantrack) txtct=1 write(14,902) gen_event_ID_number,hnumhits1,hnumhits2, $ hnumhit1,hnumhit2,hnumhit3,hnumhit4, $ hnumhit5,hnumhit6,hnumhit7,hnumhit8, $ hnumhit9,hnumhit10,hnumhit11,hnumhit12, $ hnumplanes1,hnumplanes2,hnumscins1,hnumscins2, $ hnumscins3,hnumscins4,hnclust(1),hnclust(2), $ hnclust(3),hnclust(4),hthreescin(1),hthreescin(2), $ hthreescin(3),hthreescin(4),hbestxpscin,hbestypscin, $ hgoodscinhits, $ txtft,txtct,hntracks_fp,hbeta_notrk,htestbeta,hcal_et, $ hsshtrk, $ hcer_npe_sum,hschi2perdeg,hsdelta,thiscointime 902 format(1x,i6,i4,i4,12(i4),2(i2),4(i3),8(i2),2(i4),i2,i2,i2,i2,f10.3,f9.3, $ f9.3,f9.3,f9.3,f10.3,f10.3,f10.3) close(12) close(14) endif end