C-- SANE_HMS_physics from HMS data C-- ebeam = (GeV) Energy of incident beam C-- HMS_mom = hsdelta(GeV) Central momentum of HMS C-- HMS_angle = hstheta(radian) Angle between HMS and outgoing beam c Written to work with hms[run].rzdat files real function SANE_HMS_pf() implicit none c include 'sane.cmn' include ? logical first data first /.true./ save first real ebeam,bigcmom,bigcang c real ebigc,thbigc c real xbSANE,Q2SANE,W2SANE,WSANE c real nuSANE,ESANE,thetaSANE,ySANE real xbHMS,Q2HMS,W2HMS,WHMS real nuHMS,EHMS,dEHMS,thetaHMS,yHMS real targxp,targyp,targx,targy,beamz,SRy,SRx real targxpfp,targypfp,targxfp,targyfp real mpr,d2r,r2d,hel integer i mpr = 0.938272 d2r = 3.14159/180. r2d = 1 / d2r ebeam = 4.734 cc ebeam = 4.731 c ebeam = 5.892 cc ebeam = 5.893 if(first) then first=.false. call hbook1(10000,'Q^2! ' ,50,0.5,4.,0) call hbook1(10001,'Q^2! ' ,50,0.,7.,0) call hbook1(20000,'x?bj! ' ,50,0.,1.,0) call hbook1(20001,'x?bj! ' ,50,0.,2.,0) c call hbook1(300000,'W ' ,100,0.7,3.0,0) cc call hbook1(30001,'W ' ,50,0.7,1.8,0) call hbook1(30000,'W ' ,21,2.1475,2.2525,0) call hbook1(30000,'W ' ,27,1.8475,1.9825,0) call hbook1(30000,'W ' ,81,1.1975,1.6025,0) call hbook1(30000,'W ' ,50,1.9,2.4,0) call hbook1(30000,'W ' ,50,0.9,1.8,0)!CHe-C call hbook1(40000,'E?HMS! ' ,50,1.7,2.5,0) call hbook1(40000,'E?HMS! ' ,50,2.2,3.,0) call hbook1(40000,'E?HMS! ' ,50,2.7,3.5,0) call hbook1(40000,'E?HMS! ' ,50,2.5,4.,0) c call hbook1(40000,'E?HMS! ' ,50,3.8,5.,0) call hbook1(41000,'[D]E?HMS! ' ,50,-9.,9.,0) c call hbook1(50000,'theta?HMS! ' ,50,0.,40.,0) call hbook1(50000,'[Q]?HMS! ' ,50,12.,25.,0) c call hbook1(50000,'[Q]?HMS! ' ,50,15.,25.,0) call hbook1(60000,'nu?HMS! ' ,50,0.,4.,0) call hbook1(70000,'y ' ,50,0.,1.,0) call hbook2(120000,'Q^2! vs. x?bj! HMS' ,50,0.,2., > 50,0.,7.0,0) c call hbook2(130000,'Q^2! vs. W HMS' ,50,0.1,4., c > 50,0.,7.0,0) call hbook2(130000,'Q^2! vs. W HMS' ,50,0.5,2., > 50,0.,4.0,0) call hbook2(480000,'E vs. [Q] HMS' ,50,15.,25., > 50,2.,4.0,0) call hbook1(4100,'SR?x!' ,50,-1.5,1.5,0) call hbook1(4200,'SR?y!' ,50,-1.5,1.5,0) call hbook1(1000,'xptarg' ,50,-0.23,0.13,0) call hbook1(1001,'xptarg no [D]P cut' ,50,-0.13,0.13,0) call hbook1(1100,'xptargfp' ,50,-0.08,0.08,0) call hbook1(1200,'xtargfp' ,50,-50.,50.,0) call hbook1(2000,'yptarg' ,50,-0.06,0.06,0) call hbook1(2001,'yptarg no [D]P cut' ,50,-0.06,0.06,0) call hbook1(2100,'yptargfp' ,50,-0.04,0.03,0) call hbook1(2200,'ytargfp' ,50,-30.,25.,0) call hbook1(3000,'beam z' ,50,-10.,10.,0) call hbook1(3001,'beam z no [D]P cut' ,50,-10.,10.,0) call hbook2(12000,'xptar vs. yptar' ,50,-0.06,0.06, > 50,-0.23,0.13,0) call hbook2(141000,'xptar vs. [D]E?HMS!' ,50,-9.,9., > 50,-0.23,0.13,0) call hbook2(111100,'xptar vs. xtar' ,50,-1.5,1.5, > 50,-0.13,0.13,0) call hbook2(211100,'ytar vs. xtar' ,50,-1.5,1.5, > 50,-4.,4.,0) call hbook2(311000,'beam z vs. xtar' ,50,-1.5,1.5, > 50,-10.,10.,0) call hbook2(321000,'beam z vs. ytar' ,50,-4.,4., > 50,-10.,10.,0) call hbook2(412000,'SR?x! vs. ytar' ,50,-2.5,2.5, > 50,-1.5,1.5,0) call hbook2(412100,'SR?x! vs. yptar' ,50,-0.06,0.06, > 50,-1.5,1.5,0) call hbook2(421100,'SR?y! vs. xptar' ,50,-0.23,0.13, > 50,-1.5,1.5,0) endif C do i=1,nclust C C hel = i_helicity C ebigc = eclust(i)*1000 C nuSANE = ebeam - ebigc C thetaSANE = r2d*atan(xclust(i)/345.) + 40. C Q2SANE = 4.* ebeam*ebigc * sin(d2r*thetaSANE/2)**2 C xbSANE = Q2SANE / 2. / mpr / nuSANE C W2SANE = mpr**2 + 2.*mpr*nuSANE - Q2SANE C WSANE = sqrt(max(0.,W2SANE)) C ySANE = 1 - ebigc/ebeam C C enddo dEHMS = hsdelta EHMS = hse c EHMS = hse-0.0016 c EHMS = hse-0.0037 This seems to flatten out W dat/MC ratio for 73027, w/o shifting theta c EHMS = hse-0.0016 For fitting W from 1.2-1.6GeV (Delta Res.) nuHMS = ebeam - EHMS thetaHMS = hstheta*r2d thetaHMS = thetaHMS-0.018 c thetaHMS = thetaHMS-0.055 This seems to flatten out W dat/MC ratio for 73027, w/o shifting E' c thetaHMS = thetaHMS-0.018 For fitting W from 1.2-1.6GeV (Delta Res.) Para c thetaHMS = thetaHMS-0.075 For fitting W from 1.2-1.6GeV (Delta Res.) Perp c thetaHMS = thetaHMS-0.60 W from 1.85-1.98GeV Perp c thetaHMS = thetaHMS-0.095 5.9 Perp 4.4GeV/c 15.4degrees c Q2HMS = 4.* ebeam*EHMS * sin(d2r*thetaHMS/2)**2 c Q2HMS = 4.* ebeam*EHMS * sin(hstheta/2)**2 Q2HMS = 4.* ebeam*EHMS * sin((thetaHMS*d2r)/2)**2 xbHMS = Q2HMS / 2. / mpr / nuHMS W2HMS = mpr**2 + 2.*mpr*nuHMS - Q2HMS WHMS = sqrt(max(0.,W2HMS)) c WHMS = WHMS+0.00765 !!! w/o beam offset w/ overall z shift of 1.5mm + 2.5mm for C c WHMS = WHMS+0.0051 !!! W shift w/ beampos/SR offsets no dE on MC 06/11/09 c WHMS = WHMS+0.012 !!! W shift w/o beampos/SR offsets 06/11/09 c WHMS = WHMS+0.0113 !!! W shift with beampos/SR offsets 06/10/09 c WHMS = WHMS+0.0021 !!! W shift with SR correction to hszbeam 05/28/09 c WHMS = WHMS+0.0035 !!! W shift without SR correction to hszbeam 05/27/09 yHMS = 1 - EHMS/ebeam targxp = hsxptar targyp = hsyptar targx = hsxtar targy = hsytar beamz = hszbeam SRy = srast_y SRx = srast_x targxpfp = hsxpfp targypfp = hsypfp targxfp = hsxfp targyfp = hsyfp c print*,Q2 call hf1(3001,beamz,1.) ccc Subtract C from CHe for comparing with He model if(beamz.gt.0.105.and.beamz.lt.0.795) return ccc call hf1(41000,dEHMS,1.) if(hse.gt.0.and.(hsshtrk/hse).gt.0.4)then call hf2(141000,dEHMS,targxp,1.) if(abs(dEHMS).lt.8.)then c if(targxp.gt.-0.2.and.targxp.lt.-0.1)then call hf1(1000,targxp,1.) call hf1(2000,targyp,1.) call hf1(1100,targxpfp,1.) call hf1(2100,targypfp,1.) call hf1(1200,targxfp,1.) call hf1(2200,targyfp,1.) call hf1(3000,beamz,1.) call hf1(4100,SRx,1.) call hf1(4200,SRy,1.) call hf2(412000,targy,SRx,1.) call hf2(412100,targyp,SRx,1.) call hf2(421100,targxp,SRy,1.) call hf1(10000,Q2HMS,1.) call hf1(20000,xbHMS,1.) call hf1(300000,WHMS,1.) call hf1(30000,WHMS,1.) call hf1(40000,EHMS,1.) call hf1(50000,thetaHMS,1.) call hf1(60000,nuHMS,1.) call hf1(70000,yHMS,1.) call hf2(12000,targyp,targxp,1.) call hf2(111100,targx,targxp,1.) call hf2(211100,targx,targy,1.) call hf2(311000,targx,beamz,1.) call hf2(321000,targy,beamz,1.) call hf2(120000,xbHMS,Q2HMS,1.) call hf2(130000,WHMS,Q2HMS,1.) call hf2(480000,thetaHMS,EHMS,1.) endif endif c endif end