program bbbrem implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) common / experc / roots,rk0 common / labmom / p1(4),p2(4),q1(4),q2(4),qk(4),d1,d2,t,weight common / ranchn / nran * this is the original file received from R. Kleiss * read input parameters read(*,*) roots read(*,*) rk0 read(*,*) nevent read(*,*) nran * iitialize bookkeeping wmax = 0 wnil = 0 wneg = 0 w0 = 0 w1 = 0 w2 = 0 * start of event generation loop do 9999 k = 1,nevent * generate an event call bcube * bookkeeping on the weight if( wmax = weight if(weight.eq.0d0) wnil = wnil+1 if( wneg = wneg+1 w0 = w0+1 w1 = w1+weight w2 = w2+weight*weight * end of event generation loop 9999 continue * analyze weight distribution, and print results smc = w1/w0 ser = dsqrt(w2-w1*w1/w0)/w0 ranchk = random(0d0) write(*,1) ranchk,w0,w1,w2,wmax,wnil,wneg,smc,ser 1 format(' ******** cross section evaluation ********'/, . ' random number check ',f15.13/, . ' total # of events ',f15.0/, . ' sum of weights ',d15.6/, . ' sum of (weight**2)s ',d15.6/, . ' max weight occurred ',d15.6/, . ' # of zero weights ',f15.0/, . ' # of negative weights ',f15.0/, . ' computed cross section ',d15.6,' millibarn'/, . ' +/- ',d15.6,' millibarn'/, . ' ******************************************') end subroutine bcube implicit logical(a-z) double precision . roots,rk0,p1,p2,q1,q2,qk,alpha,rme,tomb,pi,twopi, . s,rme2,rme2s,rls,z0,a1,a2,ac,sigapp,eb,pb,rin2pb,random, . z,y,q0,temp1,tmin,tmax,sy,w2,rlamx,b,t,rlam,eps,rl,vgam, . cgam,sgam,phi,phig,ql,qt,q(4),r0,w,rin2w,rinr0w,eta,phat1, . phat2,phat3,phatt,phatl,sfhat,cfhat,sthat,vthat,cthat,sfg, . cfg,temp2,veg,qkhat(4),c1,vnumx,vdenx,vnumn,vdenn,c2,rlabl, . rhat4,etar,rhat1,rhat2,rhat3,zz,s1,d1,d2,rind1,rind12, . rind2,rind22,aa0,aa1,aa2,aa3,aa4,rmex,rmap,weight integer init save * experimental constants common / experc / roots,rk0 * momenta in the lab frame common / labmom / p1(4),p2(4),q1(4),q2(4),qk(4),d1,d2,t,weight data init/0/ * start of initialization if(init.eq.0) then init = 1 write(*,901) 901 format(' ******************************************'/, . ' *** bbbrem : beam-beam bremsstrahlung ***'/, . ' *** authors r. kleiss and h. burkhardt ***'/, . ' ******************************************') * physical constants alpha = 1d0/137.036d0 rme = 0.51099906d-03 tomb = 3.8937966d05 /1d6 * mathematical constants pi = 4*datan(1d0) twopi = 2*pi * derived constants write(*,902) roots,rk0 902 format(' total energy ',f15.6,' gev'/, . ' minimum photon energy ',f15.6,' * beam energy') if( then write(*,*) 'wrong value for rk0' stop endif s = roots**2 rme2 = rme**2 rme2s = rme2/s rls = -dlog(rme2s) z0 = rk0/(1-rk0) * approximate total cross section a1 = dlog((1+z0)/z0) a2 = (dlog(1+z0))/z0 ac = a1/(a1+a2) sigapp = 8*alpha**3/rme2*(-dlog(rme2s))*(a1+a2)*tomb write(*,903) sigapp 903 format(' approximate cross section ',d15.6,' millibarn') * the initial-state momenta eb = roots*0.5d0 pb = dsqrt(eb*eb-rme2) rin2pb = 0.5d0/pb p1(1) = 0 p1(2) = 0 p1(3) = -pb p1(4) = eb q1(1) = 0 q1(2) = 0 q1(3) = pb q1(4) = eb * end of initialization endif * generate z if(random(1) then temp1=random(2) z = 1d0/(temp1*(dexp(a1*random(3))-1)) else z = z0/random(4) endif * bounds on t y = rme2s*z q0 = eb*y temp1 = pb*pb-eb*q0 temp2 = temp1*temp1-rme2-q0*q0 * exit if temp2<0 (very very rare): put weight to 0 * the `else' clause extends to the end of the routine if( then write(*,904) temp2 904 format(' y too large: delta_t^2 = ',d15.6) weight = 0d0 else tmin = -2*(temp1+dsqrt(temp2)) tmax = rme2*s*y*y/tmin * generate t sy = s*y w2 = sy+rme2 temp1 = sy+tmax rlamx = dsqrt(temp1*temp1-4*w2*tmax) if(temp1.le.0d0) then temp1 = rlamx-temp1 else temp1 = -4*w2*tmax/(rlamx+temp1) endif 1 continue b = dexp(random(5)*dlog(1+2*sy/temp1)) t = -b*z*z*rme2/((b-1)*(b*z+b-1)) if( then write(*,905) t,tmin 905 format(' t = ',d15.6,' < t_min =',d15.6) goto 1 endif continue * generate cgam rlam = dsqrt((sy-t)*(sy-t)-4*rme2*t) eps = 4*rme2*w2/(rlam*(rlam+w2+rme2-t)) rl = dlog((2+eps)/eps) vgam = eps*(dexp(random(6)*rl)-1) cgam = 1-vgam sgam = dsqrt(vgam*(2-vgam)) * generate azimuthal angles phi = twopi*random(7) phig = twopi*random(8) * construct momentum transfer q(mu) ql = (2*eb*q0-t)*rin2pb qt = dsqrt((tmax-t)*(t-tmin))*rin2pb q(1) = qt*dsin(phi) q(2) = qt*dcos(phi) q(3) = ql q(4) = q0 * construct momentum of outgoing positron in lab frame q2(1) = q1(1)-q(1) q2(2) = q1(2)-q(2) q2(3) = q1(3)-q(3) q2(4) = q1(4)-q(4) * find euler angles of p1(mu) in cm frame r0 = eb+q0 w = dsqrt(w2) rin2w = 0.5d0/w rinr0w = 1d0/(r0+w) eta = -(sy+2*w*q0+t)*rin2w*rinr0w phat1 = -q(1)*(1+eta) phat2 = -q(2)*(1+eta) phat3 = pb*eta-ql*(1+eta) phatl = rlam*rin2w phatt = dsqrt(phat1*phat1+phat2*phat2) sfhat = phat1/phatt cfhat = phat2/phatt sthat = phatt/phatl if( then vthat = sthat*sthat/(1-dsqrt(1-sthat*sthat)) else vthat = sthat*sthat/(1+dsqrt(1-sthat*sthat)) endif cthat = vthat-1 * rotate using these euler angles to get the qk direction in the cm sfg = dsin(phig) cfg = dcos(phig) temp1 = sgam*sfg temp2 = cthat*sgam*cfg+sthat*cgam veg = vthat+vgam-vthat*vgam-sthat*sgam*cfg qkhat(4) = sy*rin2w qkhat(1) = qkhat(4)*( cfhat*temp1+sfhat*temp2) qkhat(2) = qkhat(4)*(-sfhat*temp1+cfhat*temp2) qkhat(3) = qkhat(4)*(veg-1) * boost the photon momentum to the lab frame temp1 = pb*qkhat(3) if( then temp2 = (rme2*qkhat(4)*qkhat(4) . +pb*pb*(qkhat(1)*qkhat(1)+qkhat(2)*qkhat(2))) . /(eb*qkhat(4)+temp1) else temp2 = eb*qkhat(4)-temp1 endif qk(4) = (temp2+qkhat(4)*q(4)+qkhat(1)*q(1) . +qkhat(2)*q(2)+qkhat(3)*q(3))/w temp1 = (qk(4)+qkhat(4))*rinr0w qk(1) = qkhat(1)+temp1*q(1) qk(2) = qkhat(2)+temp1*q(2) qk(3) = qkhat(3)+temp1*(-pb+ql) * construct p2 by momentum conservation p2(1) = -q2(1)-qk(1) p2(2) = -q2(2)-qk(2) p2(3) = -q2(3)-qk(3) p2(4) = -q2(4)-qk(4)+roots * impose cut on the photon energy: qk(4)>eb*rk0 if(qk(4).lt.eb*rk0) then weight = 0d0 else * the event is now accepted: compute matrix element and weight * compute fudge factor c1 c1 = dlog(1+z)/dlog((2+eps)/eps) * compute fudge factor c2 temp1 = sy-tmax vnumx = dsqrt(temp1*temp1-4*rme2*tmax)+temp1 temp1 = sy+tmax if( then vdenx = dsqrt(temp1*temp1-4*w2*tmax)-temp1 else vdenx = -4*w2*tmax/(dsqrt(temp1*temp1-4*w2*tmax)+temp1) endif temp1 = sy-tmin vnumn = dsqrt(temp1*temp1-4*rme2*tmin)+temp1 temp1 = sy+tmin if( then vdenn = dsqrt(temp1*temp1-4*w2*tmin)-temp1 else vdenn = -4*w2*tmin/(dsqrt(temp1*temp1-4*w2*tmin)+temp1) endif c2 = 2*rls/dlog((vnumx*vdenn)/(vdenx*vnumn)) * compute vector (small) r in cm frame, and (big) z rlabl = (t-2*rme2*y)*rin2pb rhat4 = -(2*rme2*y+(1-y)*t)*rin2w etar = rhat4*rinr0w rhat1 = -q(1)*(1+etar) rhat2 = -q(2)*(1+etar) rhat3 = rlabl+(pb-ql)*etar zz = s*(rhat4*qkhat(4)-rhat1*qkhat(1) . -rhat2*qkhat(2)-rhat3*qkhat(3)) * the other invariants s1 = 4*eb*(eb-qk(4)) d1 = sy*rlam*(eps+vgam)*rin2w*rin2w d2 = 0.5d0*sy * the exact matrix element rind1 = 1d0/d1 rind12 = rind1*rind1 rind2 = 1d0/d2 rind22 = rind2*rind2 c* kleiss-burkhardt cross section multiplied by t**2 temp1 = s+t-2*d2 temp2 = s1+t+2*d1 aa0 = (s*s+s1*s1+temp1*temp1+temp2*temp2)*rind1*rind2*(-t) aa1 = -4*rme2*zz*zz*rind12*rind22 aa2 = -8*rme2*(d1*d1+d2*d2)*rind1*rind2 aa3 = 16*rme2*rme2*(d1-d2)*zz*rind12*rind22 aa4 = -16*rme2*rme2*rme2*(d1-d2)*(d1-d2)*rind12*rind22 rmex = aa0+aa1+aa2+aa3+aa4 * the approximate matrix element without c1,2, multiplied by t**2 rmap = 4*s*s*rind1*rind2*(-t)*c1*c2 * the weight weight = rmex/rmap*sigapp * the weight is now defined for both accepted and rejected events endif endif 1001 format(3(a10,d15.6)) end function random(r) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) common / ranchn / nran save data init/0/ if(init.eq.0) then init = 1 if(nran.eq.1) then write(*,*) ' random: very crude random numbers chosen' elseif(nran.eq.2) then write(*,*) ' random: quasi-random numbers chosen' else write(*,*) ' random: error: nran = ',nran,' not allowed' stop endif endif if(nran.eq.1) then random = rando1(r) elseif(nran.eq.2) then random = rando2(r) endif end function rando1(r) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) save data init/0/ if(init.eq.0) then init = 1 m = 2**20 rm = 1d0/(1d0*m) ia = 2**9+5 ic = 1 iseed = 100461 endif 1 iseed = mod(ia*iseed+ic,m) if(iseed.eq.0) goto 1 rando1 = iseed*rm end function rando2(r) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) save parameter(n = 3) dimension nprime(10),s(10) data init/0/ data nprime/2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29/ if(init.eq.0) then init = 1 do 1 k = 1,n s(k) = dsqrt(nprime(k)*1d0) 1 continue endif do 3 k = 1,n ss = 0 do 2 j=1,n ss = ss+s(j) 2 continue s(k) = dmod(ss,1d0) 3 continue rando2 = s(1) end