Subroutine init_cal() implicit none c Setup the materials and geometry of Calorimeter c c Include files and variables c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' c include '' real*4 ZLG(5),ALG(5),WLG(5) real*4 fieldmax,tmax_fd,ste_max,dee_max,epsilon,st_min integer*4 i_field C Lead glass mixture parameters nucleus charge, atomic wheight, rel. wheight C of the different compounds C DATA ALG/ 207.19, 15.999, 28.086, 39.098, 74.922/ DATA ZLG/ 82.00, 8.00, 14.00, 19.00, 33.00/ DATA WLG/ .475, .270, .193, .058, .004/ FIELDMAX = 0. I_FIELD = 0 TMAX_FD = 10. STE_MAX = -1000. DEE_MAX = -0.05 EPSILON = 0.001 ST_MIN = -0.001 c c Setup medium parameters c CALL GSTMED( NMED_LG,'Pb-Glass' , 22 , 0 , I_FIELD, + FIELDMAX,TMAX_FD,STE_MAX,DEE_MAX, EPSILON, ST_MIN, 0 , 0 ) end cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc Subroutine def_calspace(ivol) implicit none c c Include files and variables c include '' include '' include '' include '' real*4 x,y integer ivol real*4 par(3) real*4 cal_depth parameter( cal_depth = 40.d0 ) real*4 cal_drift parameter( cal_drift = 335.d0 ) real*4 z0 x = 0. y = 0. c c Create and position the Imaginary Calorimeter Air Box c PAR(1) = 128./2.+0.0001 PAR(2) = 248/2.+0.0001 PAR(3) = 44./2.+0.0001 CALL GSVOLU( 'ECAL' , 'BOX ' ,NMED_Air, PAR , 3 , IVOL ) CALL GSPOS('ECAL',1,'EARM',x,y, cal_drift/2. ,0,'MANY') end Subroutine ugeom_cal(ivol) implicit none c c Include files and variables c include '' include '' include '' include '' C include '' Including parameters from this inc file below. JDM c include '' real*4 x,y integer ivol real*4 par(3) real*4 prot_block_height, prot_block_width real*4 rcs_block_height, rcs_block_width real*4 prot_cal_height,rcs_cal_height,prot_cal_width,rcs_cal_width real*4 cal_depth real*4 cer_length real*4 cal_start_x_Prot real*4 cal_start_y_Prot real*4 cal_start_x_Rcs real*4 cal_start_y_Rcs integer*4 prot_horzBl,prot_vertBl integer*4 rcs_horzBl,rcs_vertBl parameter( cal_start_x_Prot = -60.302 ) parameter( cal_start_y_Prot = -107.78 ) parameter( cal_start_x_Rcs = -60.983 ) parameter( cal_start_y_Rcs = 14.135 ) parameter( prot_horzBl = 32 ) parameter( prot_vertBl = 32 ) parameter( rcs_horzBl = 30 ) parameter( rcs_vertBl = 24 ) parameter( prot_block_height = 3.8098d0 ) parameter( prot_block_width = 3.8098d0 ) parameter( rcs_block_height = 4.02167 ) parameter( rcs_block_width = 4.02167 ) parameter( prot_cal_height = prot_vertBl*prot_block_height ) parameter( prot_cal_width = prot_horzBl*prot_block_width ) parameter( rcs_cal_height = rcs_vertBl*rcs_block_height ) parameter( rcs_cal_width = rcs_horzBl*rcs_block_width ) parameter( cal_depth = 40.d0 ) parameter( cer_length = 150.d0 ) real*4 cal_drift real*4 cer_drift parameter( cal_drift = 335.d0 ) parameter( cer_drift = 55.d0 ) real*4 z0 parameter ( z0 = -(cal_drift/2.+cal_depth/2.) ) integer ivol_p,ivol_r common/BIGCALVOL/ivol_p,ivol_r c c Create Volume of Calorimeter x = 0. y = 0. C Replacing ECAL with PCAL, Protvino part, and RCAL, RCS part PAR(1) = prot_cal_width/2. PAR(2) = prot_cal_height/2. PAR(3) = cal_depth/2. CALL GSVOLU( 'PCAL' , 'BOX ' ,NMED_LG, PAR , 3 , IVOL ) ivol_p = ivol PAR(1) = rcs_cal_width/2. PAR(2) = rcs_cal_height/2. PAR(3) = cal_depth/2. CALL GSVOLU( 'RCAL' , 'BOX ' ,NMED_LG, PAR , 3 , IVOL ) ivol_r = ivol c Position Volume of Calorimeter into detector c x = cal_start_x_Prot+prot_cal_width/2. y = cal_start_y_Prot+prot_cal_height/2. CALL GSPOS('PCAL',1,'ECAL',x,y,0.,0,'ONLY') x = cal_start_x_Rcs+Rcs_cal_width/2. y = cal_start_y_Rcs+rcs_cal_height/2. CALL GSPOS('RCAL',1,'ECAL',x,y, , 0.,0,'ONLY') end ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc Subroutine divi_cal() c c Divide trackers to appropriate size c c Protvino CALL GSDVN( 'PCOL' , 'PCAL' , 32 , 1) CALL GSDVN( 'PBLC' , 'PCOL' , 32 , 2) c RCS CALL GSDVN( 'RCOL' , 'RCAL' , 30 , 1) CALL GSDVN( 'RBLC' , 'RCOL' , 24 , 2) end ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc Subroutine step_cal(IP) implicit none c c Include files c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' integer ivol_p,ivol_r common/BIGCALVOL/ivol_p,ivol_r integer bar1,bar2 integer IP integer iycell,ixcell,ifirst real*4 Energy(32,56),Xv,Yv,Zv common/ENCORc/iycell,ixcell,ifirst,Energy,Xv,Yv,Zv real destep_sm c write(*,*)lvolum(nlevel),destep iycell=0 ixcell=0 c if(lvolum(nlevel).eq.4.and.inwvol.eq.1)write(*,*)IP,inwvol,DESTEP if(lvolum(nlevel) c write(*,*)NLEVEL,NUMBER(1),NUMBER(2),NUMBER(3), c , NUMBER(4),NUMBER(5) iycell = NUMBER(NLEVEL) ixcell = NUMBER(NLEVEL-1) destep_sm = destep+(rand()-0.5)*2*0.09*destep Energy(ixcell,iycell)=Energy(ixcell,iycell)+DESTEP c Energy(ixcell,iycell)=Energy(ixcell,iycell)+DESTEP_sm c write(*,*)"We hit P",ixcell,iycell,Energy(ixcell,iycell) c write(*,*)ifirst c write(*,*)IP,inwvol if( c write(*,*)ifirst,Vect(1),Vect(2) Xv=Vect(1) Yv=Vect(2) Zv=Vect(7) ifirst = ifirst+1 endif c write(*,*)Xv,Yv,Zv,Vect(3),step endif c if(lvolum(nlevel).eq.4.and.inwvol.eq.1)write(*,*)IP,inwvol,DESTEP if(lvolum(nlevel) iycell = NUMBER(NLEVEL)+32 ixcell = NUMBER(NLEVEL-1) destep_sm = destep+(rand()-0.5)*2*0.09*destep c Energy(ixcell,iycell)=Energy(ixcell,iycell)+DESTEP_sm Energy(ixcell,iycell)=Energy(ixcell,iycell)+DESTEP c write(*,*)IP,inwvol c write(*,*)"We hit R",ixcell,iycell,Energy(ixcell,iycell) if( Xv=Vect(1) Yv=Vect(2) Zv=Vect(7) ifirst = ifirst+1 endif c if( c write(*,*)EE,ixcell,iycell,Energy(ixcell,iycell) c endif c write(*,*)Xv,Yv,Zv,Vect(3),step endif end ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc Subroutine digi_cal() implicit none c c Include files c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' integer bar1,bar2 integer iycell,ixcell,ifirst real*4 Energy(32,56),Xv,Yv,Zv common/ENCORc/iycell,ixcell,ifirst,Energy,Xv,Yv,Zv integer i, j integer iclust integer ix(25),iy(25) real Eyx(5,5),xx(5,5),yy(5,5),x(25),y(25),bsize,yc,xc real*4 coor(3),cooro(3) common/ENERGYYX/Eyx,xx,yy integer nnclust,nnclustA real Emax,Etot,Etot9 real xmax,ymax,xmom,ymom integer ixmax,iymax real Etot3pp,Etot3pm,Etot3mp,Etot3mm common/gg/nnclustA,nnclust,Etot,Etot9, , ixmax,iymax,Emax,xmax,ymax, , Etot3pp,Etot3pm,Etot3mp,Etot3mm c write(*,*)'Entering CAL' Emax = 0 nnclustA =0 ixmax =0 iymax =0 c write(*,*)'GUOUT CALLED',EE c if(*,*)Energy(ixcell,iycell),th*180/3.141,ph if( goto 21 endif do i=1,56 do j=1,32 c Energy(j,i) = Energy(j,i)+(rand()-0.5)*2*0.09*Energy(j,i) c write(*,*)Energy(j,i) if(Energy(j,i).lt.bigcal_block_cut_check((i-1)*32+j)) , Energy(j,i)=0 if(Energy(j,i).gt.Emax.and.Energy(j,i) > .eq.Energy(j,i))then Emax=Energy(j,i) nnclustA = nnclustA+1 ixmax = j iymax = i if(i.le.32)then bsize=3.81 xmax= j*bsize-32*3.81/2.-bsize/2. ymax= i*bsize-(32*3.81+24*4.02167)/2.-bsize/2. else bsize=4.02167 xmax= j*bsize-32*3.81/2.-bsize/2. ymax= 32*3.81+(i-32)*bsize- , (32*3.81+24*4.02167)/2.-bsize/2. endif endif enddo enddo c write(*,*)ixmax if( c write(*,*)Emax,EE goto 21 endif c if(*,*)Emax coor(1)=Xv coor(2)=Yv coor(3)=Zv do i=1,25 ix(i)=0 iy(i)=0 enddo Etot=0 nnclust=0 xmom=0 ymom=0 do i=1,5 do j=1,5 Eyx(i,j)=0 enddo enddo c write(*,*)'done with CAL 0',iymax,ixmax c do iclust=1,5 do i=iymax-2,iymax+2 do j=ixmax-2,ixmax+2 if( Eyx(i-iymax+3,j-ixmax+3)=0 yy(i-iymax+3,j-ixmax+3)=0 xx(i-iymax+3,j-ixmax+3)=0 c$$$ if(bigcal_block_cut((i-1)*32+j).ne. c$$$ , bigcal_block_cut_check((i-1)*32+j)) c$$$ , write(*,*)i,j,(i-1)*32+j, c$$$ , bigcal_block_cut((i-1)*32+j), c$$$ , bigcal_block_cut_check((i-1)*32+j) if( , Energy(j,i).gt.bigcal_block_cut_check((i-1)*32+j).and. , Energy(j,i).eq.Energy(j,i))then Etot = Etot+Energy(j,i) nnclust=nnclust+1 ix(nnclust)=j iy(nnclust)=i Eyx(i-iymax+3,j-ixmax+3)=0 xx(i-iymax+3,j-ixmax+3)=0 yy(i-iymax+3,j-ixmax+3)=0 cc if(j.le.32)then !! This was wrong HB, NK 12/15/10 if(i.le.32)then bsize=3.81 else bsize=4.02167 endif xc= ix(nnclust)*bsize-32*3.81/2.-bsize/2. if(iy(nnclust).lt.33)then yc= iy(nnclust)*bsize- , (32*3.81+24*4.02167)/2.-bsize/2. else yc= (iy(nnclust)-32)*bsize+32*3.81- , (32*3.81+24*4.02167)/2.-bsize/2. endif c write(*,*)iy(nnclust),bsize if( Eyx(i-iymax+3,j-ixmax+3)=Energy(j,i) Energy(j,i)=0 xx(i-iymax+3,j-ixmax+3)=xc yy(i-iymax+3,j-ixmax+3)=yc c write(*,*)yy(i-iymax+3,j-ixmax+3),i-iymax+3,j-ixmax+3,yc CCC Corrected cut on number of cells HB,NK 12/13/10 c elseif( elseif( Eyx(i-iymax+3,j-ixmax+3)=Energy(j,i) Energy(j,i)=0 xx(i-iymax+3,j-ixmax+3)=xc yy(i-iymax+3,j-ixmax+3)=yc c write(*,*)yy(i-iymax+3,j-ixmax+3),i-iymax+3,j-ixmax+3,yc endif c write(*,*)i-iymax+3,j-ixmax+3,Energy(j,i) c if( c , c xmom = xmom+(x(nnclust)-xmax)*sqrt(Energy(j,i)) c ymom = xmom+(y(nnclust)-ymax)*sqrt(Energy(j,i)) c endif endif endif enddo enddo c enddo CCC Move to guout for looping over clusters c do i=1,32 c do j=1,56 c Energy(i,j)=0 c enddo c enddo 21 CONTINUE c write(*,*)'done with CAL' end subroutine clear_cal() IMPLICIT NONE integer iycell,ixcell,ifirst real*4 Energy(32,56),Xv,Yv,Zv common/ENCORc/iycell,ixcell,ifirst,Energy,Xv,Yv,Zv integer i,j do i=1,32 do j=1,56 Energy(i,j)=0 enddo enddo end subroutine Rotate(P,phi,th,psi,P1) IMPLICIT NONE c iflag=1 -Rotate from P system to LAB c iflag=-1 -Rotate from LAB system to P real*4 P(3),P1(3) real*8 a(3,3) real phi,th,psi real pphi,pth,ppsi integer i,j pphi =phi pth =th ppsi =psi if( abs(pphi).lt.0.002) pphi=0 if( abs(pth).le.0.002 ) pth=0 if( abs(ppsi).le.0.002 ) ppsi=0 a(1,1) = -sin(ppsi)*sin(pphi)+cos(pth)*cos(pphi)*cos(ppsi) a(1,2) = -sin(ppsi)*cos(pphi)+cos(pth)*sin(pphi)*cos(ppsi) a(1,3) = -sin(pth)*cos(ppsi) a(2,1) = -sin(pphi)*cos(ppsi)-cos(pth)*cos(pphi)*sin(ppsi) a(2,2) = cos(pphi)*cos(ppsi)-cos(pth)*sin(pphi)*sin(ppsi) a(2,3) = sin(pth)*sin(ppsi) a(3,1) = sin(pth)*cos(pphi) a(3,2) = sin(pth)*sin(pphi) a(3,3) = cos(pth) c write(*,"(3F10.3)")a do 100 i=1,3 P1(i)=0 do 200 j=1,3 if(abs(a(i,j)).lt.1e-7)a(i,j)=0 c write(*,*)P1(i),a(i,j) P1(i)=P1(i)+a(i,j)*P(j) 200 continue if(abs(P1(i)).lt.1e-3)P1(i)=0. 100 continue end