Subroutine init_tracker() implicit none c Setup the materials and geomettry of Lucite Hodoscope c c c Include files and variables c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' real*4 ZLuc(2), ALuc(2), WLuc(2) real*4 fieldmax,tmax_fd,ste_max,dee_max,epsilon,st_min integer*4 i_field C C Lucite C DATA ALuc/1.00794,12.0107/ DATA ZLuc/1.,6.0/ DATA WLuc/0.1435,0.8565/ FIELDMAX = 0. I_FIELD = 0 TMAX_FD = 10. STE_MAX = -1000. DEE_MAX = -0.05 EPSILON = 0.001 ST_MIN = -0.001 c c Setup medium parameters c CALL GSTMED( NMED_Fx1, 'Front Hodo X1' , 26 , 0 , I_FIELD, + FIELDMAX,TMAX_FD,STE_MAX,DEE_MAX, , EPSILON, ST_MIN, 0 , 0 ) CALL GSTMED( NMED_Fy1, 'Front Hodo Y1' , 26 , 0 , I_FIELD, + FIELDMAX,TMAX_FD,STE_MAX,DEE_MAX, , EPSILON, ST_MIN, 0 , 0 ) CALL GSTMED( NMED_Fy2, 'Front Hodo Y2' , 26 , 0 , I_FIELD, + FIELDMAX,TMAX_FD,STE_MAX,DEE_MAX, , EPSILON, ST_MIN, 0 , 0 ) end Subroutine ugeom_tracker(ivol) implicit none c c Include files and variables c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' integer ivol real*4 par(5) ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c Setup Volume c c c Create Volumes of tracker c PAR(1) = 10.95 PAR(2) = 19.2 PAR(3) = 0.15 CALL GSVOLU( 'FTX1' , 'BOX ' , NMED_Fx1, PAR , 3 , IVOL ) c CALL GSVOLU( 'FTX1' , 'BOX ' , NMED_Air, PAR , 3 , IVOL ) c vol_ftx1 = ivol PAR(1) = 11. PAR(2) = 19.2 PAR(3) = 0.15 CALL GSVOLU( 'FTY1' , 'BOX ' , NMED_Fy1, PAR , 3 , IVOL ) c CALL GSVOLU( 'FTY1' , 'BOX ' , NMED_Air, PAR , 3 , IVOL ) c vol_fty1 = ivol PAR(1) = 11. PAR(2) = 19.35 PAR(3) = 0.15 CALL GSVOLU( 'FTY2' , 'BOX ' , NMED_Fy2, PAR , 3 , IVOL ) c CALL GSVOLU( 'FTY2' , 'BOX ' , NMED_Air, PAR , 3 , IVOL ) c vol_fty2 = ivol c c Position Volume traker into detector c CALL GSPOS('FTX1',1,'EARM',0,0,-182.+52.,0,'ONLY') CALL GSPOS('FTY1',1,'EARM',0,0,-182.+52.+0.3,0,'ONLY') CALL GSPOS('FTY2',1,'EARM',0,0-0.15,-182.+52.+0.3*2.,0,'ONLY') end Subroutine divi_tracker() c c Divide trackers to appropriate size c CC One of the layers found shifted by 3mm, adjusted to make distriutions symmetric (HB). CALL GSDVN( 'FX1B' , 'FTX1' , 73 , 1 ) CALL GSDVN( 'FY1B' , 'FTY1' , 128 , 2 ) CALL GSDVN( 'FY2B' , 'FTY2' , 129 , 2 ) c CALL GSDVN( 'FX1B' , 'FTX1' , 64 , 1 ) c CALL GSDVN( 'FY1B' , 'FTY1' , 128 , 2 ) c CALL GSDVN( 'FY2B' , 'FTY2' , 128 , 2 ) end ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc Subroutine step_tracker() c c Subroutine to fill the main responce of the detector. c implicit none c c Include files c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' INTEGER*4 Iy1,Iy2,Ix1,nX1,nx1Bar common/TEMP_TR/Iy1,Iy2,Ix1 real*4 zX1(73),yX1(73),pX1(73),tX1(73) common/TEMP_X1/zX1,yX1,pX1,tX1 real*8 Cspead, Prop_med parameter (Cspead = 29.9792458, Prop_med=1.49) if (lvolum(nlevel) , HitFrontY1(NUMBER(NLEVEL)).ne.1) then c c Entered to FY1 part of forwards Tracker c HitFrontY1(NUMBER(NLEVEL)) = HitFrontY1(NUMBER(NLEVEL)) + 1 Iy1 = Iy1+1 itrackY1Hit = Iy1 if( itrackY1Bar(itrackY1Hit) = NUMBER(NLEVEL) y1Track(itrackY1Hit) = (itrackY1Bar(itrackY1Hit)-64)*0.3-0.15 zY1Track(itrackY1Hit) = vert(3) !-129.55 timeY1Track(itrackY1Hit) = TOFG*1E9 tdcY1Track(itrackY1Hit) = TOFG*1E9+(250-11-vect(1))/Cspead else itrackY1Hit=25 endif endif ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc if (lvolum(nlevel) then c c Entered to FY2 part of forwards Tracker c if(vert(3).lt.160)then HitFrontY2(NUMBER(NLEVEL)) = HitFrontY2(NUMBER(NLEVEL)) + 1 Iy2 = Iy2+1 itrackY2Hit = Iy2 if( itrackY2Bar(itrackY2Hit) = NUMBER(NLEVEL) y2Track(itrackY2Hit) = (itrackY2Bar(itrackY2Hit)-65)*0.3-0.15 zY2Track(itrackY2Hit) = vert(3) !-129.25 timeY2Track(itrackY2Hit) = TOFG*1E9 tdcY2Track(itrackY2Hit) = TOFG*1E9+(250-11-vect(1))/Cspead else itrackY2Hit=25 endif endif endif c write(22,*)lvolum(nlevel) cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc if (lvolum(nlevel) then c c Entered to FX1 part of forwards Tracker c itrackX1Hit=0 if(vert(3).lt.160)then HitFrontX1(NUMBER(NLEVEL)) = HitFrontX1(NUMBER(NLEVEL)) + 1 Ix1 = Ix1+1 nX1bar = NUMBER(NLEVEL) zX1(nX1bar) = vert(3) !-129.85 yX1(nX1bar) = vert(2) !-129.85 tX1(nx1Bar) = TOFG*1E9 if(inwvol.eq.1)pX1(nx1Bar)=vect(7) endif endif end ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc Subroutine digi_tracker() implicit none c c Include files c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' INTEGER*4 i,Iy1,Iy2,Ix1 common/TEMP_TR/Iy1,Iy2,Ix1 real*4 zX1(73),yX1(73),pX1(73),tX1(73) common/TEMP_X1/zX1,yX1,pX1,tX1 real*4 pps common/PPP/pps real*8 Cspead, Prop_med parameter (Cspead = 29.9792458, Prop_med=1.49) do i=1,73 if (HitFrontX1(i).gt.0) then itrackX1Hit = itrackX1Hit+1 if( itrackX1Bar(itrackX1Hit) = i X1Track(itrackX1Hit) = (i-36)*0.3 tdcX1Track(itrackX1Hit) = tX1(i)+(250-11-yX1(i))/Cspead ptrack(itrackX1Hit) = pp else itrackX1Hit = 25 endif else endif pX1(i)=0 tX1(i)=0 yX1(i)=0 enddo Iy1=0 Iy2=0 Ix1=0 end