SUBROUTINE GUOUT implicit none include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' integer changes integer i,j integer iclust integer ii,jj real*4 q2orig,worig common /orig_kin/ q2orig,worig real phi_test common/PTEST/phi_test integer*4 cl,last_cl real*4 eng,d1,d2 integer ihhit REAL*4 X_HOD(28),Y_HOD(28),Z_HOD(28), , T_HOD(28),E_HOD(28) common/TEMPR/ihhit,X_HOD,Y_HOD,Z_HOD,T_HOD,E_HOD c real Eyx(5,5),xx(5,5),yy(5,5) real Eyx(5,5),xx(5,5),yy(5,5) common/ENERGYYX/Eyx,xx,yy integer nnclust,nnclustA real Emax,Etot,Etot9 real xmax,ymax,xmom,ymom integer ixmax,iymax real Etot3pp,Etot3pm,Etot3mp,Etot3mm common/gg/nnclustA,nnclust,Etot,Etot9, , ixmax,iymax,Emax,xmax,ymax, , Etot3pp,Etot3pm,Etot3mp,Etot3mm double precision FixX,FixY,FixE common/SNEU/FixX,FixY,FixE real X_coor,Y_coor,E_coor,Z_coor real X_coor_r,Y_coor_r,E_coor_r,Z_coor_r real V_coor(3),V_coor_r(3) real PHI_C,THETA_C real PHI_UC,THETA_UC real Emt real xmomsqr,xmomsq,ymomsqr,ymomsq c double precision VectorN(12) double precision VectorN(27) double precision COORE,coorX2,coorY2 character*80 arg double precision sane_n100xye real*8 Cspead parameter (Cspead = 29.9792458) parameter (Z_coor=335) real q2,xb,wsq,nu C C Fill the total energy of the event in the histogram C c write(*,*)'num_gc=',num_gc if(xsn.eq.0)goto 1101 cwn_p_ne =0 cwn_p_ng =0 cwn_p_np =0 do i=1,num_gc c write(*,*)i,gc_part(i) if (gc_part(i).eq.1) then c write(*,*)gc_x(i),gc_y(i),gc_eng(i) cwn_p_ng = cwn_p_ng + 1 cwn_p_gx(cwn_p_ng) = gc_x(i) cwn_p_gy(cwn_p_ng) = gc_y(i) cwn_p_ge(cwn_p_ng) = gc_eng(i) elseif (gc_part(i).eq.2) then c write(*,*)gc_x(i),gc_y(i),gc_eng(i) cwn_p_np = cwn_p_np + 1 cwn_p_px(cwn_p_np) = gc_x(i) cwn_p_py(cwn_p_np) = gc_y(i) cwn_p_pe(cwn_p_np) = gc_eng(i) elseif (gc_part(i).eq.3) then c write(*,*)gc_x(i),gc_y(i),gc_eng(i),cwn_p_ne cwn_p_ne = cwn_p_ne + 1 cwn_p_ex(cwn_p_ne) = gc_x(i) cwn_p_ey(cwn_p_ne) = gc_y(i) cwn_p_ee(cwn_p_ne) = gc_eng(i) endif enddo c if( c write(*,*) 'Events: ',numevts,'GenEvent',part call getarg(2,arg) read(arg,'(i1)') particle part=particle c write(*,*)EE,pp,part,tgt_num,tgt_num1 if( if(abs(tgt_num).gt.200)goto 1101 c part = iipart c write(*,*)particle c endif c write(*,*)'part=',part cwn_E = EE cwn_p = pp cwn_part = part c write(*,*)z(tgt_num),n(tgt_num) cwn_z = z(tgt_num) cwn_n = n(tgt_num) cwn_xsn = xsn c write(*,*)ratrad if(ratrad.eq.ratrad)then cwn_xsnr = ratrad else cwn_xsnr = 0 endif c write(*,*)'CR in NTUPLE ',xsn cwn_asym = asym cwn_th = th cwn_ph = ph cwn_cerphot = asym call NANcheckF(xsn,12) call NANcheckF(ratrad,13) call NANcheckF(asym,14) C write(*,*)0,th*180/3.141,ph-90 * cwn_cergood = photGood C --- Front and Lucite Hososcopes -JDM - 6/20/07 call digi_tracker() call digi_lucite() CCC Loop over clusters to include other particles HB,NK 04/28/10 nclust=0 do iclust=1,5 call digi_cal() etot=0 do i=1,5 do j=1,5 etot=etot+eyx(i,j) enddo enddo c write(*,*)2,part,eyx(3,3) if(Eyx(3,3) nclust=nclust+1 VectorN(1) = eyx(1,1) VectorN(2) = eyx(2,1) VectorN(3) = eyx(3,1) VectorN(4) = eyx(4,1) VectorN(5) = eyx(5,1) VectorN(6) = eyx(1,2) VectorN(7) = eyx(2,2) VectorN(8) = eyx(3,2) VectorN(9) = eyx(4,2) VectorN(10) = eyx(5,2) VectorN(11) = eyx(1,3) VectorN(12) = eyx(2,3) VectorN(13) = eyx(3,3) VectorN(14) = eyx(4,3) VectorN(15) = eyx(5,3) VectorN(16) = eyx(1,4) VectorN(17) = eyx(2,4) VectorN(18) = eyx(3,4) VectorN(19) = eyx(4,4) VectorN(20) = eyx(5,4) VectorN(21) = eyx(1,5) VectorN(22) = eyx(2,5) VectorN(23) = eyx(3,5) VectorN(24) = eyx(4,5) VectorN(25) = eyx(5,5) ncell(iclust)=0 do ii=1,5 do jj=1,5 if(eyx(ii,jj).gt.0.01)ncell(iclust)=ncell(iclust)+1 enddo enddo VectorN(26) = DBLE(ixmax) VectorN(27) =DBLE(iymax) COORX2 = sane_n100xye(VectorN,0) COORY2 = sane_n100xye(VectorN,1) COORE = sane_n100xye(VectorN,2) X_coor= XX(3,3)+COORX2 Y_coor= YY(3,3)+COORY2 E_coor= etot+CoorE V_coor(1) = X_coor V_coor(2) = Y_coor V_coor(3) = Z_coor call ROTATE(V_coor,0.,-40*3.1415926536/180.,0.,V_coor_r) c write(*,*)1,V_coor,YY(3,3) c write(*,*)2,V_coor_r,CoorE X_coor_r = V_coor_r(1) Y_coor_r = V_coor_r(2) Z_coor_r = V_coor_r(3) call NANcheckF(E_coor,1) call NANcheckF(x_coor,2) call NANcheckF(y_coor,3) call NANcheckF(Z_coor,4) call NANcheckF(X_coor_r,5) call NANcheckF(Y_coor_r,6) call NANcheckF(Z_coor_r,7) cwn_x_ur(iclust)=X_coor cwn_y_ur(iclust)=Y_coor cwn_z_ur(iclust)=Z_coor call digi_cer(iclust) c if( c write(*,*) X_coor_r c , ,Y_coor_r c , ,Z_coor_r c , ,E_coor*1000 c endif CCC Smear to get resolution similar to data HB NK 08/11/10 CCCC 12% shift seems to get it closest from pi0 mass peak. E_coor = E_coor +(rand()-0.5)*2*0.12*E_coor c E_coor = E_coor +(rand()-0.5)*2*0.09*E_coor call CORRECT_ANGLES( , X_coor_r, , Y_coor_r, , Z_coor_r, , E_coor, , THETA_C , , PHI_C,cer_h(iclust),srx,sry) cwn_E_r(iclust)=E_coor cwn_th_r(iclust)=THETA_C cwn_ph_r(iclust)=PHI_C cwn_x_r(iclust)=X_coor_r cwn_y_r(iclust)=Y_coor_r cwn_z_r(iclust)=Z_coor_r call NANcheckF(THETA_C,8) call NANcheckF(PHI_C,9) nu = E_beam/1000.d0 - E_coor q2 = 2.d0*E_beam/1000.d0*E_coor*(1-cos(THETA_C/180.d0*3.14159d0)) xb = q2/2.d0/0.938d0/nu wsq = 0.938d0**2 + 2.d0*0.938d0*nu - q2 cwn_Q2_r(iclust)=q2 cwn_xb_r(iclust)=xb if ( wsq .gt. 0) then cwn_W_r(iclust)=sqrt(wsq) else cwn_W_r(iclust)=0. endif c if( C if( c if( c write(*,*) X_coor_r c , ,Y_coor_r c , ,THETA_C c , ,PHI_C c endif call UNCORRECT_ANGLES( , X_coor_r, , Y_coor_r, , Z_coor_r, , E_coor, , THETA_UC , , PHI_UC) c enddo !! Finish looping over clusters call NANcheckF(THETA_UC,10) call NANcheckF(PHI_UC,11) cwn_th_ucr(iclust)=THETA_UC cwn_ph_ucr(iclust)=PHI_UC do i=1,5 do j=1,5 Eyx(i,j)=0 XX(i,j)=0 YY(i,j)=0 enddo enddo endif enddo !! Finish looping over clusters c write(*,*)etot,coore,EE,etot+coorE,etot+FixE C ---- JDM if ( then * write(*,*) '# cerenkov photons:',photCer,photGood if ( call gdxyz(0) endif * write(*,*) part,cwn_part do i=1,6 cwn_u(i) = uu(i) cwn_dedl(i) = ELoss(i) enddo cwn_nb = 0 do i=1,vert_blocks do j=1,horz_blocks if (dEBloc(i,j).gt.0.001 .or. photBloc(i,j).gt.0) then cwn_nb = cwn_nb + 1 cwn_bx(cwn_nb) = i cwn_by(cwn_nb) = j cwn_bg(cwn_nb) = photBloc(i,j) cwn_be(cwn_nb) = dEBloc(i,j) endif enddo enddo c if (.not.(Eloss(4).eq.0.and.Eloss(1).eq.0.and. c 1 cwn_nb.eq.0.and.photCer.eq.0))then c if(abs(ph-phi_test).gt.0.01)write(*,*)ph,phi_test if( , abs(ph-phi_test).lt.0.01.and. cer_h(1).gt.0.and. , c write(*,*)nclust c write(*,*) '# cerenkov photons:',photCer,photGood c write(56,*)zz_t,nn_t,0.938**2+ c , 2*0.938*(E_beam-E_coor)- c , 2*E_beam*E_coor*(1-cos(THETA_C/180.*3.141)), c , xsn,E_coor,THETA_C,-EE,th*180/3.14159 call hfnt(nt_geant) endif call clear_cer() call clear_cal() c endif c write(*,*)'Next step' cccc cc c NEW NEURAL NETWORK PART cc c write(*,*)EYX c write(*,*) VectorN(1),Emax * if ( write(*,*) electron_radius * if ( then * do i=1,num_gc * write(*,*) gc_part(i),gc_x(i),gc_y(i),gc_eng(i) * enddo * write(*,*) 'gammas (n,r,,,eng)',num_gammas,gamma_radius, * 1 gamma_ave_x,gamma_ave_y,gamma_eng * write(*,*) 'electrons (n,r,,,eng)',num_electrons, * 1 electron_radius,electron_ave_x,electron_ave_y,electron_eng * cg* write(*,*) 'positrons (n)',num_positrons * endif C 1101 CONTINUE 111 format(2(1x,f6.3),3(1x,i2),1x,e13.5,8(f9.3,1x),5(f9.6,1x),3(i2,1x),2(f7.3,1x,f7.3,1x,f7.4,1x,f7.4,1x)) c enddo END cccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ccc ccc ccc ccc c$$$ subroutine NeuralParam(Emax,Emt,Etot9,Etot, c$$$ , xmomsqr,xmom,xmomsq,ymomsqr,ymom,ymomsq,ixmax,iymax,Eyx, c$$$ , XX,YY) c$$$ IMPLICIT NONE c$$$c include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn' c$$$c include 'sane_data_structures.cmn' c$$$c include 'b_ntuple.cmn' c$$$c include 'sane_ntuple.cmn' c$$$c include 'gen_data_structures.cmn' c$$$c include 'gen_event_info.cmn' c$$$ c$$$ real xmomsqr,xmom,xmomsq,ymomsqr,ymom,ymomsq c$$$ integer jmax c$$$ real emax c$$$ c$$$c real norma1(32,10),norma2(32,10),norma3(32,10),norma4(32,10), c$$$c , norma5(32,10),norma6(32,6),norm(56,32) c$$$c common/NOR1/norma1,norma2,norma3,norma4,norma5,norma6,norm c$$$ real eyx(5,5),XX(5,5),YY(5,5),en,Emt,Etot9,Etot c$$$ integer ixmax, iymax,jj,i,ii c$$$ real Xmomf c$$$ c$$$ c$$$ emax=eyx(3,3) c$$$c write(*,*)"EMAX+ ",eyx(3,3) c$$$ etot =0 c$$$ c$$$ etot9 =eyx(2,2)+eyx(2,3)+eyx(2,4)+ c$$$ , eyx(3,2)+eyx(3,3)+eyx(3,4)+ c$$$ , eyx(4,2)+eyx(4,3)+eyx(4,4) c$$$ etot =eyx(1,1)+eyx(1,2)+eyx(1,3)+eyx(1,4)+eyx(1,5)+ c$$$ , eyx(2,1)+eyx(2,2)+eyx(2,3)+eyx(2,4)+eyx(2,5)+ c$$$ , eyx(3,1)+eyx(3,2)+eyx(3,3)+eyx(3,4)+eyx(3,5)+ c$$$ , eyx(4,1)+eyx(4,2)+eyx(4,3)+eyx(4,4)+eyx(4,5)+ c$$$ , eyx(5,1)+eyx(5,2)+eyx(5,3)+eyx(5,4)+eyx(5,5) c$$$ c$$$ Emt = emax/Etot c$$$ c$$$ xmomsqr = XMomf(ixmax,iymax,eyx,xx,2); c$$$ xmom = XMomf(ixmax,iymax,eyx,xx,1); c$$$ xmomsq = XMomf(ixmax,iymax,eyx,xx,3); c$$$ ymomsqr = XMomf(ixmax,iymax,eyx,yy,2); c$$$ ymom = XMomf(ixmax,iymax,eyx,yy,1); c$$$ ymomsq = XMomf(ixmax,iymax,eyx,yy,3); c$$$c write(*,*)xmomsqr,xmom,xmomsq,ymomsqr,ymom,ymomsq c$$$ c$$$ end c$$$ c$$$ real function XMomf(ix,iy,eyx,x,iflag) c$$$ IMPLICIT NONE c$$$c include 'bigcal_data_structures.cmn' c$$$c include 'sane_data_structures.cmn' c$$$c include 'b_ntuple.cmn' c$$$c include 'sane_ntuple.cmn' c$$$c include 'gen_data_structures.cmn' c$$$ real eyx(5,5),x(5,5) c$$$ c$$$ real w(5,5),Sum,SumW,Coor c$$$ c$$$ Integer i,j,icx,icy,ix,iy,iflag c$$$ Sum=0 c$$$ do i=1,5 c$$$ do j=1,5 c$$$ icx = ix+(j-3) c$$$ icy = iy+(i-3) c$$$ if( c$$$ ,,j).lt.5)then c$$$ if(iflag.eq.1.and.eyx(i,j).lt.5)Sum = Sum+eyx(i,j) c$$$ if(iflag.eq.2.and.eyx(i,j).lt.5)Sum = Sum+sqrt(eyx(i,j)) c$$$ if(iflag.eq.3.and.eyx(i,j).lt.5)Sum = Sum+eyx(i,j)*eyx(i,j) c$$$ icx = ix+(j-3) c$$$ icy = iy+(i-3) c$$$ w(i,j) = x(i,j)-x(3,3) c$$$ c$$$ endif c$$$ enddo c$$$ enddo c$$$ c$$$ Coor=0 c$$$ c$$$ do i=1,5 c$$$ do j=1,5 c$$$ if(iflag.eq.1)Coor =Coor+w(i,j)*eyx(i,j)/Sum c$$$ if(iflag.eq.2)Coor =Coor+w(i,j)*sqrt(eyx(i,j))/Sum c$$$ if(iflag.eq.3)Coor =Coor+w(i,j)*eyx(i,j)*eyx(i,j)/Sum c$$$ enddo c$$$ enddo c$$$ c$$$ XMomf=Coor c$$$ c$$$ end c$$$ c$$$ include 'neurale.f' c$$$ include 'sane_neurale.f' c$$$ include 'sane_neuralx.f' c$$$ include 'sane_neuraly.f' include 'sane_n100xye.f' cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc Subroutine CORRECT_ANGLES(x,y,z,ee,th,phi,cer_stat,srx,sry) IMPLICIT NONE c c X = X(Bigcal)-X(raster) c Y = Y(Bigcal)-Y(raster) c Z = Z(Bigcal) c EE - energy in GEV c RETURNS THeta and PHI In Degree. c cccccccccccc c include 'sane_data_structures.cmn' c include 'gen_run_info.cmn' include '' include '' real x,y,z real th,phi,thr,phr,ee,phk real dist,SANE_BETA_OMEGA real*8 P_th(10),P_phi(10) real srx,sry integer cer_stat data P_th / , -2.199987805718, 1.312318933346, 0.644032653274, , 2.001711272282 , 4.831055345667, , 0.596870277140 , 0.237530064696 , -0.444891749961, , -0.668604044519 , -1.988327254812/ data P_Phi / , -1.206886920591, 3.898203794202, 1.409952555564 , , -0.737821993549, 4.693839032660, , -0.853486677346, -3.282568717839 , 1.891695882259, , 1.158605334109 , -4.578605424909/ dist = sqrt(x**2+y**2+z**2) thr = acos(z/dist) phk = atan2(y/dist,x/dist) phr = atan2(y/dist,x/dist) c write(*,*)1,thr*180/3.141,phr*180/3.141,y c$$$ SANE_BETA_OMEGA = abs(theta_0 - abs(Theta_Bfield)) !! 1st attempt w/ ANN c SANE_BETA_OMEGA = 40!abs(theta_0 - abs(Theta_Bfield)) c SANE_BETA_OMEGA = abs(theta_0 - Theta_Bfield) SANE_BETA_OMEGA = omega !! Use definition from uginit.f c print*,X,Y,Z,DIST,thr,phr c print*,SANE_BETA_OMEGA if( c write(*,*)field_type c write(*,*)SANE_BETA_OMEGA if( c write(*,*)SANE_BETA_OMEGA if(abs(SANE_BETA_OMEGA+40).lt.1.or. , abs(SANE_BETA_OMEGA-120).lt.1)then c write(*,*)'PERP CORRECTION' call POLYNOM_CORRECTION(SANE_TRANSFORM_MATRIX_THETA_140, , SANE_TRANSFORM_MATRIX_PHI_140,thr, , phr,ee,th,phi, , srx,sry) c phi= -phi+phr*180/3.14159+phr*180/3.14159 c th= -th+thr*180/3.14159+thr*180/3.14159 elseif (abs(SANE_BETA_OMEGA+140).lt.1.or. , abs(SANE_BETA_OMEGA-40).lt.1)then c write(*,*)'Para CORRECTION' c write(*,*)SANE_TRANSFORM_MATRIX_THETA_140 call POLYNOM_CORRECTION(SANE_TRANSFORM_MATRIX_THETA_40, , SANE_TRANSFORM_MATRIX_PHI_40,thr, , phr,ee,th,phi, , srx,sry) c phi= -phi+phr*180/3.14159+phr*180/3.14159 c th= -th+thr*180/3.14159+thr*180/3.14159 else WRITE(*,*)'WARNING : YOU DON T' WRITE(*,*)'HAVE SANE_TRANSFORM_MATRIX CONSTANTS' endif c write(*,*)phi,phr*180/3.141 else phi=phr*180/3.14159 th = thr*180/3.14159 endif else c phi=phr*180/3.14159 c th = thr*180/3.14159 th = THR*180/3.1415926+ , (P_th(1)+P_th(2)*phr+P_th(3)*thr+ , P_th(4)*phr**2+P_th(5)*thr**2)/EE+ , (P_th(6)+P_th(7)*thr+P_th(8)*phr+ , P_th(9)*phr**2+P_th(10)*thr**2)/EE**2 phi = phR*180/3.1415926 , +(P_phi(1)+P_phi(2)*phr+P_phi(3)*phr**2+ , P_phi(4)*phr**3+P_phi(5)*thr+P_phi(6)*thr**2+ , P_phi(7)*thr**3+P_phi(8)*phr*thr+ , P_phi(9)*phr**2*thr+ , P_phi(10)*phr*thr**2) endif phi=phi c write(*,*)phr*180/3.141-90,phi,SANE_BETA_OMEGA c write(*,*)thr*180/3.1415926,th,phr*180/3.1415926 c print*,thr*(180.d0/3.1415926),phr*(180.d0/3.1415926),th,phi c , ,SANE_BETA_OMEGA end ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc Subroutine POLYNOM_CORRECTION(P_th,P_phi,thr,phr,eMev,th,phi, , srx,sry) IMPLICIT NONE c c Input patameters are P(26) -transformation Matrix c input thr and phr angles from CALORIMETER ,THr and PHr in radians c EE Energy in GEV c Output :TH and Phi Correctes in degrees cc ccccccc c include '' c include '' real th,phi,thr,phr,eMev,ee real omega_beta real P_th(15),P_phi(15),cosom,sinom,srx,sry ee=eMeV c cosom = cos(omega_beta*3.1415926/180.d0) c sinom = sin(omega_beta*3.1415926/180.d0) c write(*,*)ee th = thr*180/3.1415926+ , (p_th(1)+p_th(2)*thr+p_th(3)*phr+p_th(4)*thr**2+ , p_th(5)*phr**2+p_th(6)*thr*phr)* , (p_th(7)+p_th(8)/EE+p_th(9)/EE**2)* , (p_th(10)+p_th(11)*srx+p_th(12)*srx**2)* , (p_th(13)+p_th(14)*sry+p_th(15)*sry**2) phi = phr*180/3.1415926+ , (p_phi(1)+p_phi(2)*thr+p_phi(3)*phr+p_phi(4)*thr**2+ , p_phi(5)*phr**2+p_phi(6)*thr*phr)* , (p_phi(7)+p_phi(8)/EE+p_phi(9)/EE**2)* , (p_phi(10)+p_phi(11)*srx+p_phi(12)*srx**2)* , (p_phi(13)+p_phi(14)*sry+p_phi(15)*sry**2) end cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ccc Uncorrected angles, for comparison Subroutine UNCORRECT_ANGLES(x,y,z,ee,thu,phiu) IMPLICIT NONE c c X = X(Bigcal)-X(raster) c Y = Y(Bigcal)-Y(raster) c Z = Z(Bigcal) c EE - energy in GEV c RETURNS THeta and PHI In Degree. c cccccccccccc c include 'sane_data_structures.cmn' c include 'gen_run_info.cmn' include '' include '' real x,y,z real thu,phiu,thr,phr,ee real dist dist = sqrt(x**2+y**2+z**2) thr = acos(z/dist) phr = atan2(y/dist,x/dist) c write(*,*)1,thr*180/3.141,phr*180/3.141,y thu = thr*(180/3.141592) phiu = phr*(180/3.141592) c write(*,*)'uncorrected',thu,phiu end cccccccccccc cccccccccccc subroutine NANcheckF(l,did) IMPLICIT NONE real*4 l integer did if( l=0 write(*,*)'CHECK NAN ',did endif end c subroutine Blockzero c$$$ do i=1,32 c$$$ do j=1,56 c$$$ Energy(i,j)=0 c$$$ enddo c$$$ enddo