subroutine ltrace(npesum) implicit none include '' c To trace light photons in the TF-1 Lead Glass module, produce c photoelectrons when hit PMT photocathode. c simplified version of code received from Vardan real wl,xp,yp,zp,up,vp,wp,rin integer los,npe COMMON/CURRENT/WL,XP,YP,ZP,UP,VP,WP,RIN,LOS,NPE common/deb/ideb logical ideb data ideb/.false./ integer npesum integer icp logical*1 first_call c... Loop over Cherenkov photons generated in the step. npesum=0 do icp=1,ngphot CALL CHATCH(icp) !get next photon from /GCKING/ CALL ANALISER npesum=npesum+npe 3 continue enddo if(ideb) print*,'LTRACE: npesum, ngphot =',npesum,ngphot end c=========================================================================== SUBROUTINE CHATCH(icp) implicit none c... Get a Geant generated Cherenkov photon from /GCKING/. include '' real wl,xp,yp,zp,up,vp,wp,rin integer los,npe COMMON/CURRENT/WL,XP,YP,ZP,UP,VP,WP,RIN,LOS,NPE integer lun integer icp data lun/6/ UP=xphot(4,icp) VP=xphot(5,icp) WP=xphot(6,icp) XP=xphot(1,icp) YP=xphot(2,icp) ZP=xphot(3,icp) * write(lun,'("chatch ",6f10.4)') xp,yp,zp,up,vp,wp los=0 npe=0 RETURN END C====================================================================== SUBROUTINE ANALISER implicit none include '' include '' real wl,xp,yp,zp,up,vp,wp,rin integer los,npe COMMON/CURRENT/WL,XP,YP,ZP,UP,VP,WP,RIN,LOS,NPE COMMON/DEB/ IDEB LOGICAL IDEB real x1,y1,z1 real cer_back_height,cer_back_width real straight_xp,straight_yp z1 = -(cal_drift+cal_depth)/2.+cer_drift+cer_length * write(*,*) 'z1 = ',z1 cer_back_height = (cer_drift+cer_length)/cal_drift*cal_height cer_back_width = (cer_drift+cer_length)/cal_drift*cal_width X1 = XP + UP/WP*(z1-ZP) Y1 = YP + VP/WP*(z1-ZP) * Test to see if Cerenkov photon hits back wall of Cerenkov Box if (abs(x1).lt.cer_back_width/2. .and.abs(y1).lt.cer_back_height/2.) then straight_xp = x1/(cer_drift+cer_length) straight_yp = y1/(cer_drift+cer_length) * write(*,'("back ",7f10.4)') x1,y1,up/wp,vp/wp,straight_xp,straight_yp,vect(7) if ((up/wp-straight_xp)**2+(vp/wp-straight_yp)****2) then cwn_cergood = cwn_cergood + 1 cwn_cg_x(cwn_cergood) = x1 cwn_cg_y(cwn_cergood) = y1 1 cwn_cg_xp(cwn_cergood) = up/wp-straight_xp cwn_cg_yp(cwn_cergood) = vp/wp-straight_yp * write(*,*) cwn_cergood,cwn_cg_x(cwn_cergood),cwn_cg_y(cwn_cergood),cwn_cg_xp(cwn_cergood),cwn_cg_yp(cwn_cergood) npe=1 endif endif return end