Subroutine init_lucite() c c Include files and variables c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' real*4 ZLuc(2), ALuc(2), WLuc(2) real*4 fieldmax,tmax_fd,ste_max,dee_max,epsilon,st_min integer*4 i_field real tpar(5) data tpar/0.001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01/ C C Lucite C DATA ALuc/1.00794,12.0107/ DATA ZLuc/1.,6.0/ DATA WLuc/0.1435,0.8565/ FIELDMAX = 0. I_FIELD = 0 TMAX_FD = 10. STE_MAX = 0.5 DEE_MAX = 0.05 EPSILON = 0.1 ST_MIN = 0.1 c c Setup Lucite medium parameters c CALL GSTMED( NMED_Luc, 'Lucite Hodo' , 26 , 0 , I_FIELD, + FIELDMAX,TMAX_FD,STE_MAX,DEE_MAX, + EPSILON, ST_MIN, 0 , 0 ) c call SetMedPar(NMED_Luc,tpar) end ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc Subroutine ugeom_lucite(ivol) implicit none c Setup the materials and geomettry of Lucite Hodoscope c c c Include files and variables c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' integer ivol real*4 par(5) real*4 inRadL,ouRadL,hightL,phiMinL,phiMaxL parameter (inRadL = 240.0,ouRadL = 243.5, hightL=6.0, , phiMinL = -11.5, phiMaxL = 11.5) ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c Setup Volume c c c Create Volume HODO c PAR(1) = inRadL PAR(2) = ouRadL PAR(3) = hightL/2.*28 PAR(4) = phiMinL PAR(5) = phiMaxL CALL GSVOLU( 'HODO' , 'TUBS ' ,NMED_Luc, PAR , 5 , ivol ) c vol_hodo = ivol c c Position Volume Hodo into detector c CALL GSROTM(7,0,90.,-90.,0,0,0) CALL GSPOS('HODO',1,'EARM',0.,0.,-424.+240., 7,'ONLY') c c Divide Detector volume to 28 separate lucite bars. c end Subroutine divi_lucite() c c Divide Lucite to 28 Bars c CALL GSDVN( 'HDIV' , 'HODO' , 28 , 3 ) end cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc Subroutine step_lucite() c c Subroutine to fill the main responce of the detector. c implicit none c c Include files c include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' integer ihhit,lucphot(28) REAL*4 X_HOD(28),Y_HOD(28),Z_HOD(28), , T_HOD(28),E_HOD(28),p(28),cx(28),cy(28),cz(28) common/TEMP_LUC/ihhit,lucphot,X_HOD,Y_HOD,Z_HOD,T_HOD,E_HOD,p,cx,cy,cz C if (lvolum(nlevel) then ! enter lucite hodo IF(numed.eq.NMED_Luc)THEN HitLucHodo(NUMBER(NLEVEL)) = HitLucHodo(NUMBER(NLEVEL)) + 1 ihhit = ihhit+1 ihodoHit = ihhit ihodoLuc(ihodoHit) = NUMBER(NLEVEL) X_HOD(ihodoLuc(ihodoHit)) = X_HOD(ihodoLuc(ihodoHit))+vect(1) Y_HOD(ihodoLuc(ihodoHit)) = Y_HOD(ihodoLuc(ihodoHit))+vect(2) Z_HOD(ihodoLuc(ihodoHit)) = Z_HOD(ihodoLuc(ihodoHit))+vect(3) if(inwvol.eq.2)then p(ihodoLuc(ihodoHit)) = vect(7) cx(ihodoLuc(ihodoHit)) = vect(4) cy(ihodoLuc(ihodoHit)) = vect(5) cz(ihodoLuc(ihodoHit)) = vect(6) endif c write(22,*)ngphot if( = lucphot(ihodoHit)+ngphot T_HOD(ihodoLuc(ihodoHit)) = T_HOD(ihodoLuc(ihodoHit))+TOFG*1E9 E_HOD(ihodoLuc(ihodoHit)) = E_HOD(ihodoLuc(ihodoHit))+destep*1000 endif end ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc Subroutine digi_lucite() include '' include '' include '' integer ihhit,lucphot(28) REAL*4 X_HOD(28),Y_HOD(28),Z_HOD(28), , T_HOD(28),E_HOD(28),p(28),cx(28),cy(28),cz(28) real*8 Cspead, Prop_med parameter (Cspead = 29.9792458, Prop_med=1.49) common/TEMP_LUC/ihhit,lucphot,X_HOD,Y_HOD,Z_HOD,T_HOD,E_HOD,p,cx,cy,cz ihodoHit=0 do i=1,28 if (HitLucHodo(i).gt.0.and.E_HOD(i).gt.0) then ihodoHit=ihodoHit+1 ihodoLuc(ihodoHit) = i xHodo(ihodoHit) = X_HOD(i)/HitLucHodo(i) yHodo(ihodoHit) = Y_HOD(i)/HitLucHodo(i) zHodo(ihodoHit) = Z_HOD(i)/HitLucHodo(i) pHodo(ihodoHit) = p(i) cxHodo(ihodoHit) = cx(i) cyHodo(ihodoHit) = cy(i) czHodo(ihodoHit) = cz(i) c write(22,*)'1',i,p(i),cx(i),cy(i),cz(i),HitLucHodo(i) timeHodo(ihodoHit) = t_HOD(i)/HitLucHodo(i) eLosHodo(ihodoHit) = E_HOD(i) call TrackLuc(xHodo(ihodoHit),zHodo(ihodoHit),d1,d2) tdcHRigh(ihodoHit) = timeHodo(ihodoHit)+d1/Cspead*Prop_med tdcHLeft(ihodoHit) = timeHodo(ihodoHit)+d2/Cspead*Prop_med c if(zHodo(ihodoHit).gt.60)write(*,*)Z_HOD(i),HitLucHodo(i) c write(*,*)'photons in lucite =',i,lucphot(ihodoHit) else endif X_HOD(i) =0 Y_HOD(i) =0 Z_HOD(i) =0 T_HOD(i) =0 E_HOD(I) =0 p(i) =0 cx(i) =0 cy(i) =0 cz(i) =0 lucphot(i) =0 HitLucHodo(i) =0 enddo ihhit=0 end cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc Subroutine TrackLuc(x_0,z_0,d1,d2) c c Subroutine to track the light through Lucite. c CAN BE IMPROVED c distMin = 240 distMax = 243.5 dLigGui = 6 alpha0 = 11.5*3.14159/180. alphaC = 3.5/distMax z1 = distMax*cos(alpha0-alphac) x1 = distMax*sin(alpha0-alphac) z = z_0+184. x = x_0 z0 = 0.5*(distMax+distMin) zmirror = 2*z0 -z if( d0 = dLigGui*sqrt(2.)+sqrt((x-x1)**2+(zmirror-z1)**2) d1 = dLigGui*sqrt(2.)+sqrt((x+x1)**2+(zmirror-z1)**2) endif end