C-- sane.inc Glen Warren 8/03 C-- C-- miscellaneous variables related to SANE/BETA setup in Hall C real*8 omega ! angle used in target field code real*8 theta_0 ! scattering angle of BETA, +ve is counterclockwise real*8 theta_Bfield ! field angle, +ve is clockwise integer*4 photCer ! number of cerenkov photons in gas Cerenkov integer*4 target_type ! =0, UVa tgt ! =1, solid carbon tgt & no magnet integer*4 field_type ! =0, field code is bypassed ! =1, field code is used real*8 E_beam,ebeam2 real*8 bigcal_block_cut(1792),bigcal_block_cut_check(1792) COMMON /ANGLES/omega,theta_0,theta_Bfield,ebeam2,e_beam COMMON /CERENKOVPHOTONS/photCer COMMON /TYPES/target_type,field_type ! COMMON /EB/E_beam C-- Kinematics - goofy, better to use the KINE command, but this is it. C-- Used only for physics simulation, not beamline simulation ! real*8 E_beam * parameter (E_beam = 4800.0d0) ! parameter (E_beam = 6000.0d0) ! must be read in from file OR 11/06 ! COMMON /EB/E_beam